As part of my electrical engineering unit, I would like to show various elements either producing or dissipating energy.
One of my lectures had this image, and I was wondering if using arrows from TikZ was the only way to achieve this image.
I'm happy to modify the output if CircuiTikZ has these shapes pre-defined.
My attempt using LaTeX:
\draw (0, 0) -- (0.5, 0) to[generic] (0.5, 2) -- (0, 2);
% Current direction arrows
\draw[latex-] (-0.5, 2) node[anchor = east] {$i$} -- (-.1, 2);
\draw[latex-] (-0.1, 0) -- (-.5, 0);
% Charge signs
\draw (0.5, 0) node[anchor = west] {$-$};
\draw (0.5, 2) node[anchor = west] {$+$};
% Power snake line
\draw[<-, decorate, decoration = {snake, amplitude = .4mm, segment length = 2mm}]
(0.71, 1) -- (1.21, 1.5) node[anchor = west] {$p=-vi$};