Amended answer:
Luckily, JanaSkrivana font has .tfm
files defined. And a reverse slant.
So, using fontspec
, we can set up all the faces, with "regular" slant occupying the italics command, and the reverse slant sitting in the slant command (say):
UprightFont = * ,
BoldFont = *Bold ,
ItalicFont = *Slant ,
BoldItalicFont = *BoldSlant ,
SlantedFont = *Rslant ,
BoldSlantedFont = *BoldRslant ,
UprightFont = * ,
BoldFont = *Bold ,
ItalicFont = *Slant ,
BoldItalicFont = *BoldSlant ,
SlantedFont = *Rslant ,
BoldSlantedFont = *BoldRslant ,
\usepackage[left=1in,right=1in,top=1in,bottom=1.5in,bindingoffset=0in, footskip=1in]{geometry}
\dominitoc% Initialization
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\fontsize{50}{55}\selectfont Table of Contents}
\newcommand\testtext{{\large abc qwerty}}
upright text \textbf{bold face weight} \textit{italic shape} \textbf{\textit{bold italic}}
Font & Command & Result & Comment \\
upright &
-- &
\testtext &
bold &
textbf &
\textbf{\testtext} &
slanted &
textit &
\textit{\testtext} &
slanted further\\
boldslanted &
textbf, textit &
\textbf{\textit{\testtext}} &
slanted further, bold\\
rslanted &
textsl &
\textsl{\testtext} &
slanted other way\\
boldrslanted &
textbf, textsl &
\textbf{\textsl{\testtext}} &
slanted other way, bold\\
\section{Stuff 2}
\chapter{Terster 2}
Original answer
Not an answer because not entirely clear on what you want (e.g., the large font size in the header).
If I use fontspec, set the main font to JanaSkivana, and compile with lualatex, everything is in that font, \fontskrivan
is not needed (nor the aurical
package, etc), nor the mtc renewcommand, and so on.
I put a \fontname\font
in to check the font being used.
\usepackage[left=1in,right=1in,top=1in,bottom=1.5in,bindingoffset=0in, footskip=1in]{geometry}
\dominitoc% Initialization
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\fontsize{50}{55}\selectfont Table of Contents}
\section{Stuff 2}
\chapter{Terster 2}