I have seen how to draw a circle around a term in an equation (here). With the following code:

  \tikz[baseline=(math.base)] \node[draw,circle,inner sep=1pt, blue] (math) {$\m@th#1#2$};%

Needed assumptions on F, since we know $\lambda_1^*$ must lie within $0,1$ \\
$\frac{b- \frac{F}{[\alpha(1-\gamma) - \gamma]}}{b-a} \leq 1 \iff b- \frac{F}{[\alpha(1-\gamma) - \gamma]} \leq b-a \iff \mathcircled{F \geq a \cdot [\alpha(1-\gamma) - \gamma]}$

I get this: aesthetically not satisfactory

However, the result is aesthetically not satisfactory, since the term is quite long. I would like the circle/ellipse to rather adapt to the length of the term (just like the \boxed{} command of amsmath does for instance). E.g something like the following for my example in particular: Wanted result

  • Use ellipse instead of circle? You need to \usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric}
    – Rmano
    Commented Jul 13, 2021 at 14:44
  • Tikz also supports ellipse. You might find tex.stackexchange.com/questions/399116/… useful. Commented Jul 13, 2021 at 14:46
  • Also look at tex.stackexchange.com/questions/570856/… (search for "tikz latex highlight formula" in google and you'll have plenty of them).
    – Rmano
    Commented Jul 13, 2021 at 14:46
  • 1
    BTW, Welcome! Next time, please post minimal working example (MWE) to simplify the task of the answerer...
    – Rmano
    Commented Jul 13, 2021 at 14:47
  • Do you want the ellipse to affect the spacing around the term, and if not should the ellipse be behind the text? Commented Jul 13, 2021 at 15:12

2 Answers 2


The circledsteps package (based on TiKZ) defines some rectangle with rounded smal sides for long terms.

However, if you really want an ellipse, pstricks defines a \psovalboxfor that:



Needed assumptions on F, since we know $\lambda_1^*$ must lie within $0,1$
\[ \frac{b- \frac{F}{[\alpha(1-\gamma) - \gamma]}}{b-a} \leq 1 \iff b- \frac{F}{[\alpha(1-\gamma) - \gamma]} \leq b-a \iff \Circled[inner color=blue, outer color=blue]{F \geq a \cdot [\rule[-1.5ex]{0pt}{4ex}\alpha(1-\gamma) - \gamma]\:} \]

\[ \frac{b- \frac{F}{[\alpha(1-\gamma) - \gamma]}}{b-a} \leq 1 \iff b- \frac{F}{[\alpha(1-\gamma) - \gamma]} \leq b-a \iff \psovalbox[linecolor=blue, linewidth=0.5pt]{\color{blue} F \geq a \cdot [\rule[-1.5ex]{0pt}{4ex}\alpha(1-\gamma) - \gamma]} \]


enter image description here


Based on the solution you provide, why don't you use the shape library to draw an ellipse instead of a circle?

ellipse around part of equation


  \tikz[baseline=(math.base)] \node[draw,ellipse,inner sep=1pt] (math) {$\m@th#1#2$};%

  L(q+\varepsilon) = \mathcircled{L(q) + \varepsilon \frac{dL}{d\varepsilon}} + \cdots


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