As starting point:
In above table are used the following packages: booktabs
(for \addlinespace
between the first and the second table row), makecell˙(for columns' headers),
threeparttable(for notes in table) and
siunitx` for formating numbers in the last four tables' columns.
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, threeparttable}
S[table-format=3.2, table-column-width=4em]|
*{2}{S[table-format=2.0, table-column-width=4em]|}
\multicolumn{6}{c}{\textcolor{white}{some text}} \\
\makecell[l]{WP\\ Number\tnote{53}}
& WP Title
& {\makecell{Lead\\ benefeciary\\ number\tnote{55}}}
& {\makecell{Person-\\ moths\tnote{56}}}
& {\makecell{Start\\ month\tnote{57}}}
& {\makecell{End\\ month\tnote{58}}} \\
WP 1& package 1 title
& 7 & 171.00 & 1 & 36 \\
WP 2& package 2 title
& 6 & 192.00 & 1 & 36 \\
WP 3& package 3 title
& 26 & 102.00 & 2 & 36 \\
WP 4& package 4 title
& 13 & 73.00 & 1 & 36 \\
WP 5& package 5 title
& 21 & 72.00 & 1 & 36 \\
WP 6& package 6 title
& 1 & 48.00 & 1 & 36 \\
& {\cellcolor{gray!80} Total}
& \cellcolor{gray!80} 658.00
& \multicolumn{2}{l}{} \\
\item[53] some explanation
\item[55] some explanation
\item[56] some explanation
\item[57] some explanation
\item[58] some explanation
Real text in the second column is left to OP to write it.
As exercise, this table can be written by use of the tabularray
package. This new table packages, here is used version L, has a bit different syntax which enables separating table formatting from its content. Its details are described in the package's documentation (which is part of its installation or can be find by help of the Google):
hline{2} = {white, 3pt},
vline{1,2,6,7} = {1-8}{solid},
vline{3-5} = {1-9}{solid},
colspec = {X[0.9,m] l
row{1} = {bg=black,fg=white},
row{2} = {bg=gray!80, font=\small\linespread{0.84}\selectfont},
\multicolumn{6}{c}{\textcolor{white}{some text}} \\
{WP\\ Number\footnotemark[53]}
& WP Title
& {{{Lead\\ benefeciary\\ number\footnotemark[55]}}}
& {{{Person-\\ moths\footnotemark[56]}}}
& {{{Start\\ month\footnotemark[57]}}}
& {{{End\\ month\footnotemark[58]}}} \\
WP 1& package 1 title
& 7 & 171.00 & 1 & 36 \\
WP 2& package 2 title
& 6 & 192.00 & 1 & 36 \\
WP 3& package 3 title
& 26 & 102.00 & 2 & 36 \\
WP 4& package 4 title
& 13 & 73.00 & 1 & 36 \\
WP 5& package 5 title
& 21 & 72.00 & 1 & 36 \\
WP 6& package 6 title
& 1 & 48.00 & 1 & 36 \\
& & \SetCell{bg=gray!80} {{{Total:}}}
& \SetCell{bg=gray!80} 658.00
& & \\
\footnotetext[53]{\ some explanation}
\footnotetext[55]{\ some explanation}
\footnotetext[56]{\ some explanation}
\footnotetext[57]{\ some explanation}
\footnotetext[58]{\ some explanation}
Result is similar as before:
because the layout of the page will matter later. Do not spend time with colors yet. Size and alignment comes first..00
? That makes things simpler, but then there are solutions that won't work if you switch from that ending.)