As the question described, how to implement the picture below in LaTeX ? Which package should I use?

enter image description here


3 Answers 3


With less arbitrary alignments:



& \ch{PuF6} + 2\ch{PuF3} = 3\ch{PuF4} \quad\\
\quad-\quad \notag \\
& \ch{F2} + 2\ch{PuF3} = 2\ch{PuF4} \\[-1.2ex]
& \ch{PuF6} = \ch{PuF4} + \ch{F2}


enter image description here


Another solution with an alignat environment, chemformula and a \cmidrule:




{ \bfseries\boldmath\setlength{\aboverulesep}{-1.2ex}\setlength{\belowrulesep}{-0.5ex}
&\phantom{{}-{}} &\quad \ch{PuF6} + 2\ch{PuF3} & = 3\ch{PuF4} \\
 \notag &{}- {}& & \\
  & & \ch{F2} + 2\ch{PuF3} & = 2\ch{PuF4} \\
 & &\ch{PuF6} & = \ch{PuF4} + \ch{F2}

enter image description here

  • \phantom{{}-{}} can be deleted... Jul 15, 2021 at 20:41
  • @PaulGaborit: No, because it helps the spacing of the minus sign. Of course, I could replace \quad with \hskip 1.5em to obtain a similar spacing, but it seems less natural (tp my eyes).
    – Bernard
    Jul 15, 2021 at 20:55
  • Here, if I delete \phantom{{}-{}}, the spacing remains the same ({}-{} on the second line is sufficient). Jul 16, 2021 at 4:44

Something like this:

\usepackage{booktabs, tabularx}


    \ce{PuF6} + \ce{2PuF3} = 3\ce{Pu}   \\
    \ce{PuF6} + \ce{2PuF3} = 3\ce{Pu}
\end{gather}                                 \\[-5ex]
    \cmidrule[1pt](l{9em}r{9em}){1-1}        \\[-8ex]
    \ce{PuF6} + \ce{2PuF3} = 3\ce{Pu}


enter image description here

  • Would look nicer with the = signs aligned. Jul 15, 2021 at 13:05

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