I'd like to draw a wheel graph with directed arcs with a given n where n represents the nodes around the hub node. There is a similar question whose answer is provided for the undirected wheel graph.
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8,every node/.style={scale=0.8}]
\graph [nodes={circle,fill=black!25}, edges={black!60, semithick}, clockwise, radius=8em,
n=9, p=0.3]
{ subgraph C_n [n=6,m=3,clockwise,radius=2cm,name=A] };
\node at ($(A 1)!.5!(A 4)$) (C){};
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,6}{
\draw (C)-- (A \i); }
\draw [fill=black!25](C) circle (0.4em);
Firstly, how can turn each edge into two directed arcs (please see the image below for a reference)? Secondly, when I change the parameter n, the visualization of the wheel looks pretty odd (please see the second image). Is there a way to arrange this code in the sense that the hub node is automatically centralized around the neighbor nodes?