I have made the following diagram. But I want the arrow to thick and long. How to do it?

\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small]

X \supseteq \phi^{-1}(V) \arrow{r}{\varphi}  \arrow[swap]{rd}{f \circ \varphi} 

  & V \subseteq Y \arrow{d}{f} \\

    & k

4 Answers 4


Making diagrams with the psmatrix environment is another possibility:



\begin{psmatrix}%[column sep=large]
X \supseteq \phi^{-1}(V) & V \subseteq Y \\
& k
\psset{arrowinset=0.12,linejoin=1, arrows=->, labelsep=1pt}
\ncline{1,1}{2,2}\nbput[nrot=:U]{f \circ \varphi}


enter image description here


First off, you specified column sep=small which reduces the arrow length. With column sep=large, for example, they will be longer. Then you can specify the arrow tip style with a tikzcdset:


\tikzcdset{arrow style=tikz,diagrams={line width=2pt,>={Stealth[round,length=8pt,width=5pt,inset=2.75pt]}}}

    \begin{tikzcd}[column sep=large]
    X \supseteq \phi^{-1}(V) \arrow{r}{\varphi}  \arrow[swap]{rd}{f \circ \varphi} & V \subseteq Y \arrow{d}{f} \\
        & k

tikzcd arrow tip

As for the line thickness, thanks to egreg, you can do it by adding an append style command.


    every arrow/.append style={line width=1pt},
    arrow style=tikz,
    diagrams={line width=2pt,>={Stealth[round,length=8pt,width=5pt,inset=2.75pt]}}}

    \begin{tikzcd}[column sep=large]
    X \supseteq \phi^{-1}(V) \arrow{r}{\varphi}  \arrow[swap]{rd}{f \circ \varphi} & V \subseteq Y \arrow{d}{f} \\
        & k

with the line width

  • 1
    Hi, you can see this my recent question....tex.stackexchange.com/questions/596366/…
    – Sebastiano
    Jul 16, 2021 at 8:00
  • 1
    @Sebastiano Yes, of course, I was referring to this question in my answer. But egreg found a way to increase the line width in his answer here.
    – SebGlav
    Jul 16, 2021 at 16:38

One more tikz-cd solution with using mathrlap in placement od top right node:


every arrow/.append style={-{Straight Barb[scale=0.8]},semithick}
X \supseteq \phi^{-1}(V)
  \drar["f \circ \varphi"'] 
    &  V \mathrlap{\subseteq Y}
      \dar["f"] \\
    & k

enter image description here


I'm not really sure you want thicker arrows. Anyway, here it is, with some changes to make the arrows pointing to the correct object.



\begin{tikzcd}[every arrow/.append style={line width=0.6pt}]
\makebox[0pt][r]{$X \supseteq{}$} \phi^{-1}(V)
  \arrow[rd,"f \circ \varphi"'] &
V \makebox[0pt][l]{${}\subseteq Y$}
  \arrow{d}{f} \\
& k


enter image description here

It might make sense to issue the change to line width the default: issue

  every arrow/.append style={line width=0.6pt},

in the document preamble.

For comparison, here's the output without changing the line width.

enter image description here

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