Here is the figure I wanna draw:
I know how to draw the commutative diagram without the extension on the left of my figure, here is the code:
\usepackage{mathtools, amssymb}
\usepackage{pst-node, auto-pst-pdf}
M \ar[r] \ar[d, "\mathrm{Pinch}" ' ] \arrow[dr, dashed, "\beta_1 + \beta_2 + \beta_3", sloped]
& * \ar[d] \\
M \vee M \vee M \ar[r, "{(\beta_1 , \beta_2 , \beta_3)}" ']
& N \arrow[r]
& \dots
Any help on how to add this half circle in the figure?
I have a problem in the order of putting $E$ and $B$ to get 2 bended arrows as in my picture above.
Here is my new code:
M \ar[r] \dar[bend right] % <---
\dar["\mathrm{Pinch}" ]
& * \ar[d]
& E \\
M \vee M \vee M \ar[r, "{(\beta_1, \beta_2, \beta_3)}" ']
& N \\
Another trial, here is my new code:
M \ar[r] \dar[bend right] % <---
\dar["\mathrm{Pinch}" ]
& * \ar[d]\\
S' \dar[bend right]\\
M \vee M \vee M \ar[r, "{(\beta_1, \beta_2, \beta_3)}" ']
& N \\