enter image description here

how can I display the equations like this? I tried \begin{aligned} but its all centered.flalign is showing errors as well

  • 2
    Welcome to tex.sx. What are you using now? The information you've given isn't sufficient to give an accurate answer without guessing. Please add a small compilable example, beginning with \documentclass and ending with \end{document} that shows the problem you are now seeing. Commented Jul 24, 2021 at 14:30

2 Answers 2


How about this? enter image description here

    a &= b, a = b, a = b,\\
    a &= b, \\
    a &= b, a = b, \\
    a &= b, a = b, a = b,
    a &= b,\\
    a &= b, a = b,\\
    a &= b, a = b, a = b \\
    a &= b, a = b.


This left aligns ALL the equations. You can center them using &&& instead of & before aligned, but this looks more like the original.

    a &= b, a = b, a = b,\\
    a &= b, \\
    a &= b, a = b, \\
    a &= b, a = b, a = b,
    a &= b,\\
    a &= b, a = b,\\
    a &= b, a = b, a = b, a=b \\
    a &= b, a = b.



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