I am doing a presentation using the DS PDF Viewer. I typed the presentation in LaTeX using beamer as the document class. I have all the notes on the right hand side, but when I open it with the DS PDF viewer, the audience see my notes as well. How do I hide the note side from the audience, leaving only the main presentation side for them to see? Please help...My presentation starts in a few hours. Thank you.
1 Answer
For Dual-Screen PDF Viewer it is necessary to set the projector to "extended mode", i.e., display a second, different desktop on the second screen. If you see the same output on both screens then the projector is set to "clone mode" or "mirror mode" where the second screen just shows a copy of the first screen.
The procedure to change the projector settings is different for each operating system (or different desktop environments for the same operating system).
- Windows 10: press Windows logo key + P. See https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/how-to-use-multiple-monitors-in-windows-10-329c6962-5a4d-b481-7baa-bec9671f728a
- MacOS: Apple menu, System Preferences, click Displays, then click Arrangement. See https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/mac-help/mchl7c7ebe08/mac.
- Ubuntu (Gnome): Open Activities (for example using the Windows key), type Displays. See https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/display-dual-monitors.html.
See also https://github.com/dannyedel/dspdfviewer/issues/193 for a related Github issue for DS PDF Viewer with a terminal-orented solution.
on the keyboard to swap screens.