This is related to How to make a figure span on two columns in a scientific paper?

In a table* element, I want to put two \tabular{} elements, and get them appear side by side. I will then need to caption them as (a) and (b) and create labels (for references in the text) and so forth. If I just use the table* element, the tables appear below each other and are centred across the two columns.

EDIT: In response to TH: This is what I tried. Both tables still appear on the right column.

\subfloat[Before processing]{
Year & Month & Country & State & Impressions\tabularnewline
2007 & JAN & IN & TN & 3\tabularnewline
2007 & JAN & IN & TN & 1\tabularnewline

\subfloat[After processing]{
Year & Month & Country & State & Impressions\tabularnewline
2007 & JAN & IN & TN & 7\tabularnewline
2007 & FEB & IN & KA & 13\tabularnewline
  • I've found it easier to use the multicol package, stop the multicol environment, set the tables as you wish (in 1 column mode) then start the multicol environment again.
    – Mica
    Commented Nov 29, 2010 at 22:25

2 Answers 2


You should use the subfig package.

\subfloat[First caption]{\begin{tabular}{...}...\end{tabular}}
\subfloat[Second caption]{\begin{tabular}{...}...\end{tabular}}
\caption{Overall caption}

This can be used in conjunction with the floatrow package. See the subfig documentation for an example that aligns captions using floatrow.

Your example has an extra \begin{table} that doesn't belong. It also has a blank line which causes TeX to start a new paragraph which is why one table appears on top of the other.

Here's a complete example where I've also cleaned up your tables following the guidelines given in the documentation to the booktabs package.

\subfloat[Before processing]{
Year & Month & Country & State & Impressions\\
2007 & JAN & IN & TN & 3\\
2007 & JAN & IN & TN & 1\\
\subfloat[After processing]{
Year & Month & Country & State & Impressions\\
2007 & JAN & IN & TN & 7\\
2007 & FEB & IN & KA & 13\\
  • Thanks for your effort, but the tables still appear below each other (and its not because of lack of space - if I make them as separate tables, they do appear on different columns, side-by-side).
    – donatello
    Commented Nov 28, 2010 at 17:17
  • 1
    The »subfig« package isn't maintained any more thus not suggestive. »floatrow« also masters sub-figures on its own. So I see no necessity for a conjunction. Commented Nov 28, 2010 at 17:47
  • @donatello: I think you're going to need to provide a minimal example at this point.
    – TH.
    Commented Nov 28, 2010 at 18:27
  • @Thorsten: My version of subfig.sty lists Steven Douglas Cochran as the maintainer. ctan.org/pkg/subfig lists Steven as in inactive maintainer and Vafa Khalighi as an active maintainer. Further, the floatrow documentation explicitly mentions working with subfig.
    – TH.
    Commented Nov 28, 2010 at 18:29
  • Hey please see my edit in the q. I've provided an example.
    – donatello
    Commented Nov 28, 2010 at 18:54

Complying with the request of TH., here comes an example that uses the »subcaption« package (shipped with caption). The tables will appear on top of page 3 of the resulting document.



\title{Two tables side by side in a \texttt{table*} environment within a two column document}



    \caption{Dummy tables}\label{tab:dummy}
      \caption{Dummy sub-table}\label{subtab-1:dummy}
        Table head & Table head & Table head \\ \midrule
        Some values & Some values & Some values \\
        Some values & Some values & Some values \\
        Some values & Some values & Some values \\ \bottomrule
      \caption{Dummy sub-table}\label{subtab-2:dummy}
        Table head & Table head  & Table head\\ \midrule
        Some values & Some values & Some values \\
        Some values & Some values & Some values \\
        Some values & Some values & Some values \\ \bottomrule


I have chosen \columnwidth as width for the two subtable environments and centered the two sub-tables optically in the respective column.

The commented lines shall serve as a possible example for redefining the numbering of the subtables.

As always, the blindtext package is only for creating dummy text thus not part of the solution.

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