For the code below the labels are at the base of each arc, I need them to be in the center.



\tikzset{ell/.style={ellipse,draw,minimum height=0.15cm,minimum width=0.2cm,inner sep=0.1cm}}

\node[ell] (e1)at (-3,0) {\color{blue}$1$};
\node[ell] (e2)at (3,0) {\color{blue}$2$};
\draw (-2,-1)--(-1,-1.5)--(-1.5,-2)--cycle;
\draw (2,-1)--(1.5,-2)--(1,-1.5)--cycle;
\node[ell] (e6)at (0,-3) {\color{blue}$6$};

\draw[<-](e1)--(-2,-1) node[left]{\color{red} \tiny $y_{11}$};
\draw[<-](e2)--(2,-1) node[right]{\color{red} \tiny $y_{21}$};
\draw[<-](-1.25,-1.75)--(e6) node[left]{\color{red} \tiny $y_{12}$};
\draw[<-](1.25,-1.75)--(e6) node[right]{\color{red} \tiny $y_{22}$};


  • I drew the triangles because I need them and I wasn't sure how else I could make them. But that is not the problem. My only concern is the position of the red labels. As I wrote, currently the red labels are at the base of each arc, but I need them to be in the center.
    – Vika
    Commented Aug 18, 2021 at 22:05
  • why did you draw that triangles? do you want to place some big arrows in the middle of the straight lines? Can you provide a hand-drawing of what you need, and the context of the figure (physics, chemistry)? Clearly your question is not so clear
    – Black Mild
    Commented Aug 18, 2021 at 22:05
  • 1
    Not related, but you may find easier to draw your triangles as nodes (using shapes.geometric library) where you can use some options in a tikzset (minimum height, minimum width, rotate, etc.) so that you could address directly your arrows to these nodes instead of computing their coordinates.
    – SebGlav
    Commented Aug 19, 2021 at 9:25

1 Answer 1


Is that what you want? I am curious about the context and the meaning of the triangles. The decimal numbers in (1.25,-1.75) seems unnatural.

enter image description here

(-3,0) node (e1) {$1$}
(3,0)  node (e2) {$2$}
(0,-3) node (e6) {$6$}


\draw[<-] (e1)--(-2,-1) node[below left]{$y_{11}$};
\draw[<-] (e2)--(2,-1) node[below right]{$y_{21}$};
\draw[<-] (-1.25,-1.75)--(e6) node[below left]{$y_{12}$};
\draw[<-] (1.25,-1.75)--(e6) node[below right]{$y_{22}$};
  • 1
    Yes, thank you! This is exactly what I wanted. The actual picture in fact is much bigger and the triangles have a different meaning than the circular nodes, I just gave a simplified version by removing other parts of the picture.
    – Vika
    Commented Aug 18, 2021 at 22:27

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