I have encountered a strange problem using the Devanagari font Shobhika in ConTeXt, where the rakaara forms are not formed properly in some glyphs.
Here is a sample document I am using to demonstrate the issue:
ट्रि ट्री
त्रिदल \wr{त्रेता}
विक्रिय \wr{विक्रेता} क्रोड
प्रीति \wr{प्रेप्सित}
तच्छ्री \wr{श्रेष्ठ}
The typescript 'shobhika' above is as follows:
\starttypescript [serif] [shobhika]
\starttypescript [shobhika]
\definetypeface [shobhika] [rm] [serif] [shobhika]
With this typescript, which I call 'dev2', I get the following output:
The rakaar forms are not formed properly (highlighted in red) in all cases but that of the ट-varga. The 'devanagari-two' features use the 'dev2' script tag.
Now if I use the following typescript instead (which uses the 'deva' script tag instead of 'dev2'),
\starttypescript [serif] [shobhika]
\starttypescript [shobhika]
\definetypeface [shobhika] [rm] [serif] [shobhika]
with the document
ट्रा ट्रे
ट्रि ट्री
त्रिदल त्रेता
विक्रिय विक्रेताक्रोड
प्रीति प्रेप्सित
\wr{तच्छ्री} श्रेष्ठ इन्द्रो
I get the following output :
Here the rakaar forms are not formed properly in the case of the ट-varga and for some glyphs involving the consonant छ.
Using the 'devanagari-one' typescript above, I am able to 'circumvent' this issue by writing those forms as follows
छ्र + ZWS + Devanagari vowel sign
where ZWS is the zero-width space U+200B.
I must mention here that I have not had any problems using Shobhika font in XeLaTeX with either the 'deva' or the 'dev2' script tags. I must also mention that I have tried some other Devanagari fonts in ConTeXt and have had no such issues. I have also looked through font-pre.mkiv of the ConTeXt source and experimented with a mix of the features and the script tags, quite unfortunately, to no avail. As suggested in the ConTeXt wiki, I have also consulted the MS page on this topic.
I have, over the past two years migrated entirely to ConTeXt for most typesetting uses. I am no expert in ConTeXt by any stretch, but at the same time, I would humbly submit that I am no novice either. As a student, I have had no problems using ConTeXt to produce stunning documents in English language with a large number of mathematics.
However, I must admit that I am not sure if this is an issue with ConTeXt or with the font itself. I will be very grateful for any help by members here.
Thanks, Kauśika
that can automatically insert those / pretend they exist in your document? (BTW, if there are cases where ZWS doesn't help, also try ZWJ and ZWNJ.)