How can I change the style for all labels (and current/voltage as well) in circuitikz?




\draw (0,0) node[ground]{} to [C, l_=$C_1$] ++(0,2) to [L, l_=$L_1$]
++(0,2) to [short,-*, i>=$I_1$] ++ (3,0) coordinate(l2);


Here I want to make C_1, L_1, I_1 larger. I tried with \ctikzset{every label/.style={font=\Large}} but with no effect.

Thank you.

1 Answer 1


There is a section in the manual: https://texdoc.org/serve/circuitikz/0#subsection.5.6

Basically, you have keys to change the 4 types of labels independently (they're not label in plain TikZ sense!):


\ctikzset{bipole label style/.style={font=\color{red}\Large}}
\ctikzset{bipole annotation style/.style={font=\color{blue}\ttfamily\Large}}
\ctikzset{bipole voltage style/.style={font=\Large}}
\ctikzset{bipole current style/.style={font=\color{green}\Large}}

\draw (0,0) node[ground]{} to [C, l_=$C_1$, a^=ann] ++(0,2) to [L, l_=$L_1$, v^=$V_L$]
++(0,2) to [short,-*, i>=$I_1$] ++ (3,0) coordinate(l2);


enter image description here

  • 1
    great! I saw this section but did not read it carefully. Thanks!
    – Alx
    Commented Sep 1, 2021 at 9:24

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