I need to write my abstract in a table as my code example shows. The cell with the actual abstract should be enlarged after the abstract text ends or filled with white space to make the table fill the rest of the page. Is there a command for tabularx which functions like \vfill so the bottom cell is aligned with the bottom page margin? Thank you in advance!
% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| X |}
Some information.\\\hline
Some more information.\\\hline
Abstract begins here.\\
The height of this cell should be enlarged to make the table fill the rest of the page.\\\hline
Some information on the bottom of the page.\\\hline
before the final hline, just using whatever value doesn't give an overful message\pagetotal
to estimate where you are on the page and add a suitable length in the argument\pagetotal