Why is red vertical alignment not regular? I want to show choices in capital bold letter and i want to horizontal align choices. Help me please
enter image description here






Here is the question text Here is the question text text
\hspace{0.5cm}$\myfrac{15^x+ 35^y}{25^y+21^z}$
Here is the question text 
\textbf{Here is the question text}
\task first answer
\task second answer
\task third answer
\task fourth answer
  • Can anyone help?
    – suarez
    Commented Sep 12, 2021 at 12:59
  • What do you mean with‘vertical alignment’? Is it ‘vertical spacing’?
    – Bernard
    Commented Sep 12, 2021 at 13:50
  • @Bernard The lengths of the red lines are not equal
    – suarez
    Commented Sep 12, 2021 at 15:05
  • This may be due to the flushbottom default directive. You may tru adding \raggedbottom in your preamble. Another possibilitu: adding \useshortskip, from the nccmath` package, just before the equation.
    – Bernard
    Commented Sep 12, 2021 at 15:12
  • I added \raggedbottom but has not changed. I don't understand what you said other @Bernard
    – suarez
    Commented Sep 12, 2021 at 15:32

1 Answer 1


I think this meets your requirements.


I changed the definition of \Startex. You have to use as \Startex{<text of the question>}. All the text of the question will be left justified.

Also added the configuration of the tasks, to get the uppercase, the bold face and the left margin.

% !TeX TS-program = pdflatex




\newcommand{\Startex}[1]{% changed <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

\settasks{% added <<<<<<<<<<
    item-indent=\taskindent, % align with margin <<<<<<<<<<<
    label-format = \bfseries\MakeUppercase, % format labels <<<<<<<<<<
    after-skip = 3ex, % space after the list



\usepackage{showframe} % only to show the margin <<<<<<<<<<

        Here is the question text Here is the question text text
        \hspace{0.5cm}$\myfrac{15^x+ 35^y}{25^y+21^z}$
        Here is the question text 
        \textbf{Here is the question text}  
                \task first answer
                \task second answer
                \task third answer
                \task fourth answer
    \Startex{% new question <<<<<
        Here is a new question text Here is a new question text text
        \hspace{0.5cm}$\myfrac{15^x+ 35^y}{25^y+21^z}$
        Here is the question text 
        \textbf{Here is the question text}  
        \task first answer
        \task second answer
        \task third answer
        \task fourth answer
  • Thank you for your work @SİmonDispa
    – suarez
    Commented Sep 12, 2021 at 15:44

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