Is it possible to use AutoHotKey to facilitate LaTeX document authoring? In which ways? Is there any off the shelf AutoHotKey script for this purpose?

  • Short question, short answer: 1. Yes. 2. AFAIK: No.
    – Keks Dose
    Commented Jun 28, 2012 at 13:38
  • It doesn't really matter from which language you call (la|con)?tex(t)? (given that the language supports executing system commands). Unless you mean implementing TeX in AutoHotKey. That'd be a feat.
    – morbusg
    Commented Jun 28, 2012 at 14:38
  • @morbusg I want to know experiment of TeX.SE users in using AutoHotKey if any. Commented Jun 28, 2012 at 16:17

5 Answers 5


In general, I'm very inaccurate when typing things like "\", "{", "$" etc. It's especially cumbersome to navigate text with the Left, Right, Up and Down keys and you do all of these things constantly when typing tex.

I haven't spent much time learning how to write scripts with AHK, but I did write a few things to make a few shortcuts and to save the amount of which my wrists have to bend while typing tex.

For example, these I wrote for my preference.

^space:: Send {{}{}}{Left}
CapsLock:: Send {$}{$}{Left}
^9:: Send {(}{)}{Left}
^l:: Send {Right}
^j:: Send {Left}
^i:: Send {Up}
^m:: Send {Down}
^k:: Send {Down}
+^l:: Send +{Right}
+^j:: Send +{Left}
+^i:: Send +{Up}
+^m:: Send +{Down}
+^k:: Send +{Down}
^f:: Send {^}
^p:: Send \pause{Enter}{Enter}
^h:: Send \
^n:: Send \{{}\{}}{Left}{Left}
^;:: Send {End}
^Backspace:: Send {Delete}
^=:: Send {&}={&}

I came here because I too was wondering if someone with professional knowledge of AHK had written something useful for writing tex.


Here is a script I created over time and improve occasionally for my personal use.


  • Instant completion for single brackets (,[,{. You can also delete surrounding characters with [Shift] + [Backspace]

    enter image description here

  • Create \left* \right* environments for any two characters with [Ctrl] + 7

    enter image description here

  • Single letter Tab autocompletion to greek letters (case sensitive)

    enter image description here

  • Insert brackets (,[,{ around a selection with [Ctrl] + 8,9,0

    enter image description here

  • As requested by Mr.Robot, you can now jump between bullets, which are included in some of the autocompletion commands. This can be done via [Ctrl] + Space

    enter image description here

  • Environment Tab completion assistant

    enter image description here

  • A lot of autocompletions, I will not list here. Feel free to have a look at the code. It is mostly commented.

Code (new version):

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#a::Suspend, Toggle ; pause script
#Hotstring EndChars `t ; [Tab] triggers Hotstrings

; Reset Hotstring for CTRL+Backspace and CTRL+A (otherwise hostrings won't trigger)
Ctrl & Backspace::
    SendInput ^`b

Ctrl & a::
    SendInput ^a

; :o:   omit ending character
; :?:   triggers hotstring even between characters
; :c:   case sensitive
; :*:   no trigger
; ^     ctrl
; +     shift
; <!    left alt

; /// 1. BRACKETS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

; instant complete (), [], {}

:o:abs::\left|  \right| {Left 9} ; Absolut Value: \left| \right|
:o:abs2::\left|  \right|{^}2 {Left 11} ; Absolut Value: \left| \right|
^4:: Send $${Left} ; $$

; \left* \right*
; (instruction: place the cursor between the opening and the closing symbol, then hit ctrl+7)
    SendInput, {Left}\left{Right}  \right{Left 7}

; put brackets around selection
; (warning: this might not work in some applications!)
    ClipBackup := ClipboardAll
    clipboard := ""
    SendInput, ^x
    SendInput, (){Left}
    SendInput, ^v
    SendInput, {Right}
    Sleep 1000
    Clipboard := ClipBackup

    ClipBackup := ClipboardAll
    clipboard := ""
    SendInput, ^x
    SendInput, []{Left}
    SendInput, ^v
    SendInput, {Right}
    Sleep 1000
    Clipboard := ClipBackup

    ClipBackup := ClipboardAll
    clipboard := ""
    SendInput, ^x
    SendInput, {{}{}}{Left}
    SendInput, ^v
    SendInput, {Right}
    Sleep 1000
    Clipboard := ClipBackup

; /// 2. OTHER /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

; Jump to first occurance of • in the current line. (Continues search in the next line.)
    ClipBackup := ClipboardAll
    clipboard := ""
    SendInput, {Home}+{End}
    SendInput, ^c
    Sleep 50 ; increase this number, if it doesn't work
    SearchedText := clipboard
    ; MsgBox, %SearchedText%    
    StringGetPos, pos, SearchedText, •
    if (pos >= 0)
        ; MsgBox, %Target% was found at %pos%.
        SendInput, {Home}{Right %pos%}+{Right}
        SendInput, {Down}
        SendInput, {Home}+{End}
        SendInput, ^c
        Sleep 50 ; increase this number, if it doesn't work
        SearchedText := clipboard
        ; MsgBox, %SearchedText%    
        StringGetPos, pos, SearchedText, •
        if (pos >= 0)
            ; MsgBox, %Target% was found at %pos%.
            SendInput, {Home}{Right %pos%}+{Right}
            SendInput, {End}
    Clipboard := ClipBackup

; Comfort
+Backspace:: Send,{BackSpace}{Delete} ; delete surrounding characters
^Enter:: Send,{End}{Enter} ; instant create new line, even from within words.

; Shift+Space: escape to the right and insert a space
    SendInput, {Right}{Space}

; Whitespaces
:o?: ::\{Space}{Space}

; Environments
    InputBox, OutputVar, Environment,,, 200, 120,,,,, align
    SendInput, \begin{{}%OutputVar%{}}`r`r\end{{}%OutputVar%{}}{Up}`t

:o:bga::\begin{{}align{}}`r`r\end{{}align{}}{Up}`t ; align
:o:bgas::\begin{{}align{}}\begin{{}split{}}`r`r\end{{}split{}}\end{{}align{}}{Up}`t ; align with split

:o:itmz::\begin{{}itemize{}}`r{Home}`r\end{{}itemize{}}{Up}`t\item{Space} ; align

; /// 3. TEXT FORMATTING ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

; Sections
:o:sc::\section{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \section
:o:ss::\subsection{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \subsection
:o:sss::\subsubsection*{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \subsubsection*

; Text
:o:tx::\text{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \text
:o:tbf::\textbf{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \textbf
:o:tit::\textit{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \textit
:o:em::\emph{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \emph
:o:sf::\textsf{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; sans serif
:o:sc::\textsc{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; small caps

:o:bf::\mathbf{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \mathbf
:o:cal::\mathcal{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \mathcal
:o:scr::\mathscr{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \mathscr
:o:bb::\mathbb{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \mathbb
:o:bbm::\mathbbm{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \mathbbm

; /// 4. MATH STUFF ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

; Common Operations
:o:fr::\frac{Space} ; \frac
:o:fra::\frac{{}•{}}{{}•{}}{Left 4}+{Left} ; \frac{•}{•}
:o:tfr::\tfrac{Space} ; \tfrac
:o:su::\sum{Space} ; \sum
:o:sum::\sum_{{}•{}}{^}{{}•{}}{Left 5}+{Left} ; \sum_{•}^{•}
:o:pro::\prod_{{}•{}}{^}{{}•{}}{Left 5}+{Left} ; \prod_{•}^{•}
:o:in::\int{Space} ; \int
:o:oin::\oint{Space} ; \oint
:o:int::\int_{{}•{}}{^}{{}•{}}{Left 5}+{Left} ; \int_{•}^{•}
:o:sq::\sqrt{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \sqrt{ } \sqrt{}

; alt+^ instantly yields ^{•}
    SendInput, {^}{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left}

; Relations
:o:<=>::\Leftrightarrow ; <=>
:o:=>::\Rightarrow ; =>
:o:<=::\Leftarrow ; <=
:o?:-->::\longrightarrow ; -->
:o:->::\rightarrow ; ->
:o:!=::\overset{{}{!}{}}{{}={}}{Space} ; ! over =
:o?:=::\ =\{Space}
:o:eq::\ \equiv\{Space}

; Other / Symbols
:o:cnc::\cancel{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \cancel{}
:o:dell::\frac{{}\partial{}}{{}\partial •{}}{Left}+{Left}
:o:ovs::\overset{{}•{}}{{}•{}}{Left 4}+{Left}
:o:dd::\text{{}d{}}•+{Left} ; used for differentials e.g. dx

; /// 5. MATRICES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

; Matrices
:o:pm2::\begin{{}pmatrix{}}`r• & • \\`r• & • \\`r\end{{}pmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t+{Right}
:o:bm2::\begin{{}bmatrix{}}`r• & • \\`r• & • \\`r\end{{}bmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t+{Right}
:o:pm3::\begin{{}pmatrix{}}`r• & • & • \\`r• & • & • \\`r• & • & • \\`r\end{{}pmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t+{Right}
:o:bm3::\begin{{}bmatrix{}}`r• & • & • \\`r• & • & • \\`r• & • & • \\`r\end{{}bmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t+{Right}
:o:pm4::\begin{{}pmatrix{}}`r• & • & • & • \\`r• & • & • & • \\`r• & • & • & • \\`r• & • & • & • \\`r\end{{}pmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t+{Right}
:o:bm4::\begin{{}bmatrix{}}`r0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\`r0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\`r0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\`r0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\`r\end{{}bmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t+{Right}

:o:lgs::\begin{{}matrix{}}`r• &=& • \\`r• &=& • \\`r\end{{}matrix{}}{Left 12}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t+{Right}

; Vectors
:o:v2::\begin{{}pmatrix{}}`r• \\`r• \\`r\end{{}pmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t+{Right}
:o:v3::\begin{{}pmatrix{}}`r• \\`r• \\`r• \\`r\end{{}pmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t+{Right}
:o:v4::\begin{{}pmatrix{}}`r• \\`r• \\`r• \\`r• \\`r\end{{}pmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t+{Right}

; /// 6. GREEK /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


Old version from my original answer:

; /// HEAD /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

; :o:   omit ending character
; :?:   triggers hotstring even between characters
; :c:   case sensitive
; ^     CTRL

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#a::Suspend, Toggle ; toggle suspend script
#Hotstring EndChars `t ; [Tab] triggers Hotstrings

; Reset Hotstring for CTRL+Backspace and CTRL+A (otherwise hostrings won't trigger)
Ctrl & Backspace::
    SendInput ^`b

Ctrl & a::
    SendInput ^a

; /// COMFORT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

+Backspace:: Send,{BackSpace}{Delete} ; delete surrounding characters
^Enter:: Send,{End}{Enter} ; instant jump to new line, even from between characters

; /// BRACKETS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

; instant complete std brackets

; left right brackets
^8:: Send \left(  \right) {Left 9} ; \left( \right)
^9:: Send \left[  \right] {Left 9} ; \left[ \right]
^<:: Send \left<  \right> {Left 9} ; \left< \right>
^7:: Send \left\{{}  \right\{}} {Left 10} ; \left{ \right}

^4:: Send $${Left} ; $$
:o:abs::\left|  \right| {Left 9} ; Absolut Value: \left| \right|

; /// GENERAL SHORTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

:o:baln::\begin{{}align{}}`r`r\end{{}align{}}{Up}`t ; align
:o:bgas::\begin{{}align{}}\begin{{}split{}}`r`r\end{{}split{}}\end{{}align{}}{Up}`t ; align with split
:o:sc::\section{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \section
:o:ss::\subsection{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \subsection

; Text
:o:tx::\text{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \text
:o:tbf::\textbf{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \textbf
:o:tit::\textit{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \textit
:o:em::\emph{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \emph
:o:bf::\mathbf{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \mathbf
:o:cal::\mathcal{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \mathcal
:o:scr::\mathscr{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \mathscr
:o:bb::\mathbb{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \mathbb
:o:bbm::\mathbbm{{}•{}}{Left}+{Left} ; \mathbbm

; Operations, Symbols, Relations
:o:fra::\frac{Space} ; frac
:o:sum::\sum_{{}•{}}{^}{{}•{}}{Left 5}+{Left} ; \sum
:o:pro::\prod_{{}•{}}{^}{{}•{}}{Left 5}+{Left} ; \prod
:o:int::\int_{{}•{}}{^}{{}•{}}{Left 5}+{Left} ; \int


:o?:=::\ =\{Space}
:o:eq::\ \equiv\{Space}

; /// MATRICES & VECTORS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

; Matrices
:o:pm2::\begin{{}pmatrix{}}`r0 & 0 \\`r0 & 0 \\`r\end{{}pmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t
:o:bm2::\begin{{}bmatrix{}}`r0 & 0 \\`r0 & 0 \\`r\end{{}bmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t
:o:pm3::\begin{{}pmatrix{}}`r0 & 0 & 0 \\`r0 & 0 & 0 \\`r0 & 0 & 0 \\`r\end{{}pmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t
:o:bm3::\begin{{}bmatrix{}}`r0 & 0 & 0 \\`r0 & 0 & 0 \\`r0 & 0 & 0 \\`r\end{{}bmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t
:o:pm4::\begin{{}pmatrix{}}`r0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\`r0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\`r0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\`r0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\`r\end{{}pmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t
:o:bm4::\begin{{}bmatrix{}}`r0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\`r0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\`r0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\`r0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\`r\end{{}bmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t

:o:lgs::\begin{{}cases{}}\;`r\begin{{}matrix{}}`rf  & = & a & b \\`rf  & = & c & d \\`r\end{{}matrix{}}`r\end{{}cases{}}{Left 11}{Up 2}`t{Left}{Up}`t

; Vectors
:o:v2::\begin{{}pmatrix{}}`r0 \\`r0 \\`r\end{{}pmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t
:o:v3::\begin{{}pmatrix{}}`r0 \\`r0 \\`r0 \\`r\end{{}pmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t
:o:v4::\begin{{}pmatrix{}}`r0 \\`r0 \\`r0 \\`r0 \\`r\end{{}pmatrix{}}{Left 13}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t{Left}{Up}`t

; /// GREEK ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  • Thank you for your sharing! I find this script extremely useful when I typeset math using markdown, where standard LaTeX-like alias is not allowed. However, I am wondering if there is efficient to jump between bullets in many of the commands you wrote?
    – Mr.Robot
    Commented Oct 10, 2019 at 19:15
  • @Mr.Robot Thanks, happy to hear that you found it useful! Currently it is not possible to jump between bullets. You could use Texmaker for now, which has this functionality build in (by pressing tab). If I can do it, I might add this feature in the future, but my AHK skills are very limited.
    – scavi
    Commented Oct 12, 2019 at 12:57
  • @Mr.Robot I just implement jumping between bullets! Have a look on the updated answer. It's done via ctrl+space.
    – scavi
    Commented Oct 24, 2019 at 1:28
  • This looks amazing! Thank you!
    – Mr.Robot
    Commented Oct 24, 2019 at 2:00

By accident I found this question and also by accident I found an answer a long time ago:


The guy there, Mr. Ziegenhagen, blogs some useful scripts in order to make the LaTeX life easier. Some examples:

InputBox, UserEnv, Environment, Please enter an environment!, , 240, 120
If ErrorLevel
if( RegExMatch(UserEnv, "(.*?)(\d+)$", splitted) ) {
    Send \begin{{}%splitted1%{}}{Enter}
        Loop %splitted2% {
            Send \item {Enter}
    Send \end{{}%splitted1%{}}{Up}
    count2 := splitted2 - 1 
    Loop %count2% {
        Send {Up}
    Send \begin{{}%UserEnv%{}}{Enter 2}\end{{}%UserEnv%{}}{Up}

If you press Alt+e and enter e. g. itemize3 then the script will insert


I think that's great! Here are some more examples:




:*:desc#::\begin{{}description{}}`r\item[]`r\item[]`r\item[]`r\end{{}description{}}{UP 3}{LEFT}
:*:enum#::\begin{{}enumerate{}}`r\item `r\item `r\item `r\end{{}enumerate{}}{UP 3}
:*:item#::\begin{{}itemize{}}`r\item `r\item `r\item `r\end{{}itemize{}}{UP 3}

See also this question. Here are more examples from Mr. Ziegenhagen's blog:



You can use AutoHotKeys to define a bunch of keyboard shortcuts for the most often used LaTeX commands:

\begin{<input your environment name>}
\end{<AutoHotKeys automatically closes it with the same environment name>}

\item <cursor is put here>




But if you're willing to invest time in learning a tool to ease LaTeX document authoring, I suggest emacs and the good AUCTeX extension. It has many well-thought keyboard shortcuts, syntax highlighting (including bold for \section), jump to the point of compilation error, table of content navigation, etc. http://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/features.html

Works under Linux, Windows and Mac.

  • How do I get Autohotkey to close the current environment automatically. So far I use b# to expand to \begin{} but I am looking for a more sophisticated solution. Commented Sep 25, 2013 at 23:25
  • This comment should be converted to a full question, about autoHotKeys (and this not on TeX.SE).
    – jrouquie
    Commented Sep 26, 2013 at 8:49
  • 1
    @UweZiegenhagen I know this is an old comment, but you could use an InputBox for this. I updated my answer to provide an example.
    – scavi
    Commented Oct 24, 2019 at 14:03

Script for converting LaTeX-like input to unicode characters

"Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U" toggles it on and off (look at the bottom right icon to see it's in suspense mode (icon S) of active mode (icon H).

Test: αβΓ∞¹₂ℝ∫

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