I desire to have the letter aligned to the top of the figure. I am unsure how to do this. I believe the choices environment is similar to that of an enumerate environment, but I am unsure how to modify that similar.
This is what it looks like:
This is what I desire:
\draw[rounded corners] (-2.0cm, 5cm) rectangle (5cm,-2.0cm);
Here is a question that fills up some lines.
\choice \begin{center}\resizebox{\figsize}{!}{\diagram}\end{center}
\choice \begin{center}\resizebox{\figsize}{!}{\diagram}\end{center}
\choice \begin{center}\resizebox{\figsize}{!}{\diagram}\end{center}
\choice \begin{center}\resizebox{\figsize}{!}{\diagram}\end{center}
p.s. If it's possibly to automatically set \figsize based on the columns - width of the letter A.
, that would be great, but I can't find any mention of something containing the column width in the multicol documentation.