I have the following example:
\documentclass[]{beamer} \usetheme{Darmstadt} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{frame}{} \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex] \tikzstyle{vertex} = [circle, fill=black!10] \tikzstyle{selected vertex} = [circle, radius=0.1cm, fill=red!30] \tikzstyle{nedge} = [-] \node[vertex] (v1) at (3,0) {v1}; \node[vertex] (v2) at (0,-1) {v2}; \node[vertex] (v3) at (6,-1) {v3}; \draw[nedge] (v1) -- (v2); \draw[nedge] (v1) -- (v3); \end{tikzpicture} \end{frame} \end{document}
I want to change the radius of vertice in tikz style. How to do it? Thanks for the help.
minimum width=2cm
minimum radius=2cm
? (Did not check)minimum size
should also work, but if you want an exact size you may also need to adjustinner offset
(not sure)inner sep
minimum size
. Setting[inner sep=0pt]
will help avoid filling the space. Setting[inner sep=-1cm]
would help even more.