Seem that, by default, my LaTeX installation turns <<
into « and, similarly, >>
into ». How can I prevent this so that two less-than/greater-than signs are kept?
For the record, I'm using xetex.
If you want to completely disable the ligatures <<
and >>
, you can use microtype
For a one off case, type in <\/<
For XeLaTeX the thing is a bit more complicated.
Find on your system the file
. Copy it in a working directory as
. Open it and comment out (with semicolons as indicated below) the last two lines.
; TECkit mapping for TeX input conventions <-> Unicode characters
LHSName "noguillemets" ; was TeX-text
; ligatures from Knuth's original CMR fonts
U+002D U+002D <> U+2013 ; -- -> en dash
U+002D U+002D U+002D <> U+2014 ; --- -> em dash
U+0027 <> U+2019 ; ' -> right single quote
U+0027 U+0027 <> U+201D ; '' -> right double quote
U+0022 > U+201D ; " -> right double quote
U+0060 <> U+2018 ; ` -> left single quote
U+0060 U+0060 <> U+201C ; `` -> left double quote
U+0021 U+0060 <> U+00A1 ; !` -> inverted exclam
U+003F U+0060 <> U+00BF ; ?` -> inverted question
; additions supported in T1 encoding
U+002C U+002C <> U+201E ; ,, -> DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
;U+003C U+003C <> U+00AB ; << -> LEFT POINTING GUILLEMET
Now run from a shell
teckit_compile noguillemets
which will produce a file noguillemets.tec
Now load your fonts as follows
\setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}[Mapping=noguillemets]
and the output will be the same as before.
Place noguillemets.tec
in some place where XeTeX will find it; on a TeX Live system it should be
(create the necessary directories). Run mktexlsr
If you use plain XeTeX, use noguillemets
where you would use tex-text
! Package microtype Error: Disabling ligatures of a font is only possible with pdftex version 1.30 or newer.
. I'm using xetex.
Sep 30, 2021 at 17:25
in text I can't say, but my feeling is that you don't really want it.
You can use "much less than" and "much greater than".
\newcommand\mapsfrom{\reflectbox{$\mapsto$}\ }
\setmainfont{Noto Serif}[Ligatures=TeX]
\newcommand\acmd[1]{\textbackslash \texttt{#1}}
<<xyz>> \mapsfrom ligatures on
<\/<xyz>\/> \mapsfrom ligatures blocked
\umlStereoType{xyz} \mapsfrom uses \acmd{umlStereoType} command from \verb|pst-uml| package, defined as:
$\ll$xyz$\gg$ \mapsfrom uses mathmode \acmd{ll} and \acmd{gg}
in text?>\/>
should work