Just until yesterday, I could declare \usepackage[alsoload=synchem]{siunitx}
in the preamble. So I could write something like \SI{20.00}{\milli\Molar}
and things would typeset well.
Today, I updated TexLive to 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.23 (TeX Live 2021) and now things don't work. I get the error ! Package keyvalue Error: Unknown option 'alsoload' for package siunitx.
I tried getting the latest manual on siunitx and could see no example using the \Molar
I know I can manually declare the required unit, but has \Molar
been removed from the package?
I use pdflatex on Linux Mint 20.2 with TeXMaker as the frontend.
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
Prepare a \SI{20.0}{\Molar}.
. Loading v2 will buy some time, but I guess this counts as deprecated.Users upgrading from version 1 of \pkg{siunitx} will notice that the various \enquote{specialist} units available in version 1 are no longer provided as loadable options.\footnote{They are included in the loaded configuration file \opt{version-1}, but this is intended purely to ease transition to version 2.} These are not included in version 2 as the criteria for inclusion of such units are far from clear, and it is difficult to justify providing clearly non-SI units in the package.
followed by\DeclareSIUnit{\Molar}{\textsc{m}}
(or whatever is the most appropriate thing to do). While the OP's at it, changing\SI{20.0}{\Molar}
would also be a good idea...