I am having an issue with LaTex/Bibtex presenting my citations in order of appearance. I know there a plenty of questions on this and I have read some of them, but the solutions posted don't seem to do me any good. I am using MacTeX and TeXmaker.
I am writing a large document, like a Thesis. Chapters are split between individual Tex files and included using the \include command.
I have a large .bib file that is maintained by Mendeley (program I use for storing my references and producing a BibTex file).
I am using the package, cite (mainly for doing references like [1-3,6,9])
I have a pretty standard looking document.
\newcommand{\doubleSignature}[3][Alex Mason]{%
\centering #3 \today\\
%\bibliography{Alex} % Where journals.bib and phd-references.bi
\usepackage[labelfont={sf,bf}, margin=1cm]{caption}
\author{NAME (MEng)}
%-----------------------------------------------certificate of originality---------------- --------------------------------------------
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}
The goofy looking part at the top (\newcommand{doubleSig.....) is just for when i input a special page I made containing a certificate of originality spiel with two boxes for signatures and my university logo.
As you can see I am using the standard bibtex way of doing bibliographies by stating the style then the stating the bib file to use right at the end of the document. I have tried biblatex but can't get it to work. It says it hasn't produced the bib file but doesn't really state why.
As far as I am aware everything was working A-OK until I started on the second chapter and began adding citations in there. Now my citations are all messed up and won't correct. My first citation starts with [9]!!!
[1] appears in a figure caption later down the page, after 10, 11 and 12 have been called!
I have tried deleting all the working files (bbl, aux, log etc) but nothing happens. I get the same result. IIRC I used to have this problem with MS Word and is part of the reason why I switched to LaTex...yet it seems to have followed me!
bibtex does through a few warnings when it runs stating that some references are missing journal names or volume numbers. Would that be a reason?
What have I done wrong with my code?