First-time poster here and any help is incredibly appreciated. I started a new creative job and somehow got asked to write a LaTex code snippit that depicts the following division. I've tried everything I can and I'm totally stuck. It just makes zero sense to me. I understand I'm asking for your time, and I'm not sure if this is against the community rules but I'm willing to pay for the help if anyone can do this. And yes, I will be letting my boss know this isn't something to expect from me in the future. Thank you ahead of time!
1 Answer
You can use this adaption of the code from @Bernard answer here. So credits to him.
EDIT: Added the arrow
\usepackage{array, booktabs}
\usetikzlibrary{positioning,matrix, arrows.meta}
\begin{array}{ rr@{} >{\color{red}}c@{}*{6}{c@{\mkern2mu}} }
& 7 & & . & 9 & & \\ \cmidrule[0.6pt](l{-0.385em}){2-8}\\[-16.9pt]
32\;\rlap{\Large)} &252 & & . & 8 & & & \\
& -224 & & &\downarrow\\ \cmidrule(l{1ex}){2-5}
& 28 & & &8 \\
& -28 & & &8 \\ \cmidrule(l{1ex}){2-5}
& & & & 0 & \\
package on CTAN.