Within quantikz package there's this possibility to put a single slice to separate two columns, through the command \slice{}.

By default it is colored in red and no standard command allows to change that.

Can someone explain me how can I overcome this problem, even by changing the package itself if necessary. Which I believe is this one.

Below a simple example; a circuit of four steps but with a slice only in the middle.


    \begin{quantikz}[slice style=blue]
        \gate{X} & \gate{I} & \slice{1}\gate{I} & \gate{Y}


enter image description here

  • 2
    Welcome to the TeX.SE. community. Please can you put a minimal working example of your idea? Thank you in advance.
    – Sebastiano
    Commented Oct 14, 2021 at 22:07

2 Answers 2


You can just put it in the optional argument of \slice:


        \gate{X} & \gate{I} & \slice[style=blue]{1}\gate{I} & \gate{Y}


enter image description here


You can change it using slice/.append style, as below.

\tikzset{slice/.append style={draw=blue}}
        \gate{X} & \gate{I} & \slice{1}\gate{I} & \gate{Y}

enter image description here

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