I am a beginner in LaTeX, tentatively using it for industrial documents. I am having difficulties with drawing arcs in TikZ. In the MWE, I am trying a routine that would draw a series of coding mechanical keys, in order to clarify the coding pattern. (It is based on protrusions that should be aligned with some of the numbers shown) Each key is a hollow cylinder, outer dia \DiaExt
, section shown in orange, and there is one or several protrusions, width \KeyWidth
, placed at different angles on the outer envelope. (only one is shown tentatively in the MWE by showing the 4 envelope points). Their location is now calculated in the code.The points black and green should be connected by a vertical segment, the points red and blue also. The lower points green and blue are to be connected by an arc diameter \DiaExt
. In fact in the final picture, all the points are to be connected and the inner area filled in orange, to make a continuum with the orange area.
My problem is:
- how to draw the arcs connecting the upper points black and red, and the lower points blue and green? (Problem solved in the edited code using the proposal from Altermundus)
- How to draw the path between the points black, red, blue green automatically, in such a way that several other keys could be made on the same principle.
- I have found a way to adjust the size of the engraved numbers to match the reel parts, but not in a way that adjusts if the scale of the picture is modified. Is there a way to make the size of the numbers following the scale of the main picture?
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Usual fonts
\usepackage{tgheros,textcomp}% Fonts
\def\magnif{4} %picture magnification ratio
\def\KeyAngle{0} %Angular position of key
\clip (-1,-1) rectangle (1,1);
\draw [gray] (0,0) circle (\DiaShellMachining/2);
\draw [](0.31, 0.57) node (one) {1}; % first engraved characters
\draw [](0.09, 0.6) node (two) {2};
\draw [](-0.16, 0.6) node (three) {3};
\draw [](-0.37, 0.55) node (four) {4};
\draw [](-0.31,-0.5) node (five) {5};
\draw [](0.345,-0.5) node (six) {6}; %last engraved character
\draw [very thick, color=gray, rounded corners=10mm] (0.49750,-0.5225) rectangle (2.91,.8225); %Shell
\draw [very thick, color=gray, rounded corners=10mm] (-0.49750,-0.5225) rectangle (-2.91,.8225); %Shell
\draw [ultra thick, color=gray] (-2, 0.9075) -- (2, 0.9075);%Shell upper limit
\draw [ultra thick, color=gray] (-2, -0.6075) -- (2, -0.6075);%Shell lower limit
\fill[orange,even odd rule] (0,0) circle(\DiaInt/2) circle(\DiaExt/2); %Painted ring at front of key
\pgfmathparse{0.5*\DiaExtKey*cos(asin (\KeyWidth/(\DiaExtKey)))} \let\Youter\pgfmathresult
\pgfmathparse{0.5*\DiaExt*cos(asin (\KeyWidth/(\DiaExt)))} \let\Yinner\pgfmathresult
\draw [color=black] (-0.5*\KeyWidth, \Youter) node (a) {.};
\draw [color=red] (0.5*\KeyWidth, \Youter) node (b) {.};
\draw [color=blue] (0.5*\KeyWidth, \Yinner) node (c) {.};
\draw [color=green] (-0.5*\KeyWidth, \Yinner) node (d) {.};
\pgfmathparse{(\Youter) / (0.5*\KeyWidth)} \let\ThetaOne\pgfmathresult % Y coordinate of upper key corners
\pgfmathparse{(\Yinner) / (0.5*\KeyWidth)} \let\ThetaTwo\pgfmathresult %Y coordinate of lower key corners
\pgfmathparse{sqrt ((\Youter)^2)+((0.5*\KeyWidth) ^2 )} \let\ra\pgfmathresult
\draw[very thick] ({atan(\ThetaTwo)}:0.5*\DiaExt) arc ({atan(\ThetaTwo)}:{180-atan(\ThetaTwo)}:0.5*\DiaExt);
\draw[very thick, orange] ({atan(\ThetaOne)}:\ra) arc ({atan(\ThetaOne)}:{180-atan(\ThetaOne))}:\ra);