I'm trying to prepare a book with chapters by many different authors, using the amsbook class, and the amsbooka package to handle the author names

The amsbooka class documentation claims that:

When an author is specified for a chapter, the left-hand running head will be the author name; the right-hand running head will be the chapter title, taken from the short title.

However, this only seems to be the case if chapters aren't subdivided into sections. If they are, then the section title prints as the right-hand running head, instead of the chapter title. See MWE below.

Is there a simple way of modifying amsbook / amsbooka to always print the chapter title as the right-hand running head (and ignore any sections/subsections/etc within chapters)?

\usepackage{amsbooka, lipsum}

\chapter[First Chap]{First Chapter \author{First Author}}

\lipsum[1-20] % this has the desired headings

\chapter[Second Chap]{Second Chapter \author{Second Author}}

\section{A Section} \lipsum[1-20] % section heading wipes out chapter heading!
\section{Another Section} \lipsum[1-20]
  • Thanks for the perfect MWE!
    – egreg
    Commented Oct 19, 2021 at 17:21

1 Answer 1


It's actually easy (possibly an oversight in amsbooka).

\usepackage{amsbooka, lipsum}

% redefine \sectionmark so it doesn't issue a mark




\chapter[First Chap]{First Chapter\author{First Author}}


\chapter[Second Chap]{Second Chapter\author{Second Author}}

\section{A Section}


\section{Another Section}



enter image description here

Note that, contrary to what the documentation shows, there should be no space in front of \author.

Here's a version that simplifies the input, making the optional short title really optional.

\usepackage{amsbooka, lipsum}


  % #1 = possible * for unnumbered chapter
  % #2 = optional short title (defaults to full title)
  % #3 = title
  % #4 = optional author
  \IfBooleanTF{#1}{% *-version
    \IfNoValueTF{#4}{% no author
    }{% author
  }{% numbered chapter
    \IfNoValueTF{#4}{% no author
    }{% author






\Chapter{First Chapter}[First Author]

\lipsum[1-20] % this has the desired headings

\Chapter[Second Chap]{Second Chapter}[Second Author]

\section{A Section}


\section{Another Section}


  • 1
    amsbooka was created to fill a need at AMS, and release to CTAN was an afterthought. I'll make the suggestion to the AMS support group to consider this as an enhancement. Commented Oct 19, 2021 at 20:49

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