I am looking for various unicode maths fonts to use with Arial. I have tried fira-math. But, there are problems in it.. So, I am looking for alternatives. Google has released Noto Sans Math font available here. I tried this mwe.
\(\alpha\beta,\gamma\) This is a test.
It compiles without errors, but it quietly substitutes latin-modern for Noto Sans Math. There is a warning in the log file which says
Package fontspec Warning: Font "NotoSansMath-Regular" does not contain
(fontspec) requested Script "Math".
I checked the font in microsoft word. It does have mathemtical symbols. So, what can be the problem? Curiously, the documentation for unicode-maths gives a list of fonts that support uncode-math not the other way around. Can anything be done, eg. using font forge, so that the font supports unicode-maths? How complicated is this to do?