This answer How do we fill half rectangle in TikZ, shows how rectangles can be half-filled using the .south west and .east attributes of the path picture bounding box.

I would like to know how this generalizes to filling a rectangle up to a certain percentage of its total height.

I want to control the height of the color fill by using only the number corresponding to the relative height I'd like to fill (e.g., 22 %, 58 %). I do not want to achieve this relative fill height by manually figuring out the coordinates.

3 Answers 3


enter image description here

    \coordinate (A) at (0,0);
    \coordinate (B) at (1,1);
    \draw[red,fill=red] (A) rectangle ($(A-|B)!#1!(B)$);
    \draw (A) rectangle (B);

A \pic could be useful here.

Something like this:


  pics/my rectangle/.style n args={3}{% width, height, filling percentage
      \fill (0,0) rectangle (#1,0.01*#2*#3);
      \draw (0,0) rectangle (#1,#2);

  \pic[draw=red,fill=orange]  at (0,0) {my rectangle={2}{3}{25}};
  \pic[draw=black,fill=green] at (3,0) {my rectangle={3}{2}{75}};

enter image description here


Without any minimal example, it is difficult to know how you want it implemented!? Here is one way:

\documentclass[tikz,border=1 cm]{standalone}
\newcommand{\height}{4 cm}
\fill[red] (0,0) rectangle  +(5,0.58*\height);
\fill[green] (0,0) rectangle  +(5,0.22*\height);
\draw (0,0) rectangle  +(5,\height);

Filled rectangle

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