I would like to format the section like seen below. enter image description here I started with these codes.

\titleformat{\section}{\Large\fontspec{ITC Berkeley Oldstyle 
15pt]{2pt}{2em}}{10pt}{{\fontspec{Chevin}\textbf{TOPIC- \thesection}}\\[- 
\chapter{Physical Equilibria} 
\section{Raoult's law, Ideal and Non-ideal Solutions} 

Compiling it gave me the image below.

enter image description here

Which is far from what I desire. Thanks in advance for any kind help

2 Answers 2


In fontawesome5 package you can find a pen nib. About other fonts, I cannot help.


\titleformat{\section}{\Large\fontspec{ITC Berkeley Oldstyle 
15pt]{2pt}{2em}}{10pt}{{\fontspec{Chevin}\textbf{TOPIC- \thesection}}\\[- 


\section{Raoult's law, Ideal and Non-ideal Solutions} 


enter image description here


This doesn't really add much to @Ignasi's answer, but you could declare \section as a display heading (like a chapter), which makes it slightly easier to lay out TOPIC and the section name.

I also pointlessly used expl3 coffins so things would line up without me having to do any thinking. There are absolutely better ways of doing this…



\dim_const:Nn \c__kidegalize_section_ht_dim { 30 pt }
\coffin_new:N \l__kidegalize_nib_coffin
\coffin_new:N \l__kidegalize_section_coffin
\hcoffin_set:Nn \l__kidegalize_nib_coffin
    \color_select:n { white }
\coffin_rotate:Nn \l__kidegalize_nib_coffin { 135 }
\hcoffin_set:Nn \l__kidegalize_section_coffin
    \color_select:n { black!50 }
    \rule { \c__kidegalize_section_ht_dim } { \c__kidegalize_section_ht_dim }
    \skip_horizontal:n { \c__kidegalize_section_ht_dim / 3 }
    \rule { 2pt } { \c__kidegalize_section_ht_dim }
    \skip_horizontal:n { \c__kidegalize_section_ht_dim / 3 }
  \l__kidegalize_section_coffin { hc } { vc }
  \l__kidegalize_nib_coffin { hc } { vc }
  { -\c__kidegalize_section_ht_dim / 3 - 1pt } { 0pt }
\coffin_resize:Nnn \l__kidegalize_section_coffin
  { \coffin_wd:N \l__kidegalize_section_coffin } { 0pt }
\NewDocumentCommand \nib { }
    \coffin_typeset:Nnnnn \l__kidegalize_section_coffin
      { r } { b } { 0pt } { 0pt }
\dim_const:Nn \nibwidth { \coffin_wd:N \l__kidegalize_section_coffin }

\titlespacing*{\section}{\nibwidth}{3.5ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{2.3ex plus .2ex}

\section{Raoult's law, Ideal and Non-ideal Solutions} 


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