I tried for some time to adjust the height of the header in Beamer Palo Alto theme. I now managed to do so, but now I have the problem that the title in the header is not properly aligned anymore. Also the dark rectangle from the overlapping sidebar is now gone. Maybe someone could tell me how to vertically align the title and how to get back the rectangle. I hope this isn't a stupid question and I would greatly appreciate some help.
Here is an example of how I did it so far:
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\usebeamerfont{title in head}
\end{beamercolorbox} %
\begin{frame}{Frametitle 1}
\section{Frame 1}
\begin{frame}{Frametitle 2}
\section{Frame 2}
I hope I did the example right as I am new to LaTex.