I have a table that is slightly too wide, so I am putting it in landscape mode. After playing a bit with the landscape object class, I am unhappy with the results (e.g. the tables are not floating nicely). Therefore, I am now trying to get the sidewaystable working.

Since I want them to take an entire page (and as it is a two column document) I use sidewaystable*, which is almost perfect, except for a very cryptic error I get in the caption.

\sf@old@caption ...espaces #3}\else \@makecaption 
                                                  {\csname fnum@#1\endcsname...

And the fact that the caption label is not bold and has no separation with the caption text.


This is the piece of code that is relevant:

\caption{a caption}

In the preamble I have tried both the rotation + float packages and the rotfloat package. It makes no difference.

It is a \documentclass[fleqn,usenatbib]{mnras} document.

Do you have any idea of how to debug this?

  • Welcome to TeX.SE!
    – Mensch
    Commented Nov 17, 2021 at 16:39

1 Answer 1


For the mnras class it is better follow the Instructions to Authors:

To produce a landscape figure or table, use the pdflscape package and the landscape environment.

Unfortunately this method will force a page break before the table appears. More complicated solutions are possible, but authors shouldn't worry about this.


        \caption{An example landscape table.}
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  • 1
    Thanks! I tried it in the past but I gave it up because of the forced page-break. Now I see this is a non-issue for MNRAS, I should have read the manual more carefully.
    – Mireia
    Commented Nov 30, 2021 at 13:25

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