If I use the table* environment and the table is wide, the caption starts inside the table. Here is the example


    This will be a wide table so that the caption  will start inside the table, unfortunately\\
    This will be a wide table so that the caption  will start inside the table, unfortunately\\

I certainly could use a \bigskip before the \caption as a workaround, but I think moving the caption furher to the right would be preferrable.


1 Answer 1


In the tufte-book captions are placed in a margin. In the case of use of the wide table or figure environment you need define offset of caption. Details are described in the package documentation, so here two cases: caption above table and below table:


    This will be a wide table so that the caption  will start inside the table, unfortunately\\
    This will be a wide table so that the caption  will start inside the table, unfortunately\\
  \caption[][-3ex]{Caption is above table}
%  \setfloatalignment{t}
    This will be a wide table so that the caption  will start inside the table, unfortunately\\
    This will be a wide table so that the caption  will start inside the table, unfortunately\\
  \caption[][2ex]{Caption is below table}

enter image description here

  • This is already good, thx. Is it a bad idea to push the caption further to the right? Is it possible? Nov 21, 2021 at 15:30
  • You could change \marginparwidth. Normally one would use geometry, but not sure with tufte-book. Nov 21, 2021 at 16:49
  • @MátéWierdl, caption is already in margin note. Where you like to have? Please read documentation for toofte-book package. There are some example. By searching here for tufte-book caption you will find some more option for caption positioning.
    – Zarko
    Nov 21, 2021 at 16:59
  • @Zarko, I'd prefer to have the caption to be placed to the right of the table, or at least appear automatically somewhere outside the table. But the workaround given here will do. Dec 5, 2021 at 20:21
  • @MátéWierdl, sorry, I don't understand your comment. Regarding tables (or figures, problem is similar), I would make effort that tables/figures will have maximal width of text and caption would be in margin, or tables/figures width would be equal to text width + margin width. and caption would be above or below table/figure. Such options are clear described in package documentation.
    – Zarko
    Dec 5, 2021 at 20:55

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