I have a question regarding the curvy brackets in tex. Didn't find a good solution for the problem yet:
I have the following formulas:
f(x) &= x + 1 \\
g(x) &= x + 2 \\
h(x) &= x + 3 \\
k(x) &= x + 4 \\
l(x) &= x + 5
Now I want to have a curly bracket around f(x) and g(x) on the right side and want to write some stuff behind the curly bracket. And I also want a curly bracket behind h(x), k(x) and l(x). How can I manage that and also make sure, that all five equations are aligned on the "="-sign?
I just tried to put the formulas in a \begin{rcases} ... \end{rcases}, but then the formulas are no longer aligned.
Thank you very much in advance!
Best regards!