i am trying to finish up a Paper i am writing and used align with intertext in between, which made my footnote disappear. I tried using \footnotemark and \footnotetext after {align*}, this makes the footnote appear, but on the next page which is not really useful. How do i make it show up anyway? Help is very much appreciated, thanks in advance!

    X &= \bigcup\limits_{i=1}^{\infty} A^{-i} M. \\
    \intertext{Text inbetween}
        P_{1} &= S(A)M \cup M \cup X, \\
        P_{2} &= S(A^{-1})M \setminus X, \\
        P_{3} &= S(B)M, \\
        P_{4} &= S(B^{-1})M. \\
        Sodass: S^2\setminus D &= P_{1} \cup P_{2} \cup P_{3} \cup P_{4}.
        \intertext{Some more text with a helpful \footnote{I am helpful!}
        AP_{2} &= P_{2} \cup P_{3} \cup P_{4}, \\
        BP_{4} &= P_{1} \cup P_{2} \cup P_{4}.
        \intertext{last bit of text}
        S_{1} \sim (S^2\setminus D) &= P_{1} \cup AP_{2}, \\
        S_{2} \sim (S^2\setminus D) &= P_{3} \cup BP_{4}.
  • 1
    Possible duplicate of tex.stackexchange.com/questions/51343/footnote-from-intertext though neither has an answer that solves the footnote page placing issue.
    – Dan
    Commented Nov 30, 2021 at 17:55
  • You could place the \footnotetext before the align* environment, but you need to adjust the counter then. Commented Nov 30, 2021 at 18:00
  • please provide an example that shows the problem. If I guess adding \documentclass{article} I get the error Runaway argument? Commented Nov 30, 2021 at 19:42

1 Answer 1


\intertext adds a layer of boxing that prevents the footnote mechanism, but you can use the primitive \noalign

enter image description here

    X &= \bigcup\limits_{i=1}^{\infty} A^{-i} M. \\
    \intertext{Text inbetween}
        P_{1} &= S(A)M \cup M \cup X, \\
        P_{2} &= S(A^{-1})M \setminus X, \\
        P_{3} &= S(B)M, \\
        P_{4} &= S(B^{-1})M. \\
        Sodass: S^2\setminus D &= P_{1} \cup P_{2} \cup P_{3} \cup P_{4}.
        \intertext{Some more text with a helpful\footnotemark}\noalign{\footnotetext{I am helpful!}}
        AP_{2} &= P_{2} \cup P_{3} \cup P_{4}, \\
        BP_{4} &= P_{1} \cup P_{2} \cup P_{4}.
        \intertext{last bit of text}
        S_{1} \sim (S^2\setminus D) &= P_{1} \cup AP_{2}, \\
        S_{2} \sim (S^2\setminus D) &= P_{3} \cup BP_{4}.

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