Time ago I created a bat script to execute PDFLaTeX+MakeIndex+BibLaTeX so I can add as a processing tool in TeXworks (image below), and it was easy because I found many sites explaining how to do that manually.

enter image description here

The script is the following:

miktex-pdftex.exe -synctex=1 -undump=pdflatex "%1"
biber.exe "%2"
makeindex -t "%2".glg -s "%2".ist -o "%2".gls "%2".glo
makeindex -t "%2".alg -s "%2".ist -o "%2".acr "%2".acn
makeindex -t "%2".nlg -s "%2".ist -o "%2".not "%2".ntn
miktex-pdftex.exe -synctex=1 -undump=pdflatex "%1"

with arguments $fullname and $basename

But now that I want to do the same but with XeLaTeX I can't find any information to do so.

Where can I find this information? or How do I achieve this?

I wonder that I must use xetex.exe, but I'm not sure and I don't know how to use it.

enter image description here

  • 1
    It's not the point of your question, but you may be interested in arara: ctan.org/pkg/arara
    – gusbrs
    Nov 30, 2021 at 23:04

2 Answers 2


Okay, I think it was pretty easy, Im not really sure if it's the proper way but it seems to work.

After executing miktex-xetex.exe --help if found it has the same commands as miktex-pdftex.exe --help so I assumed the functionality is the same, and changing pdftex to xetex and pdflatex to xelatex did the work

miktex-xetex.exe -synctex=1 -undump=xelatex "%1"
biber.exe "%2"
makeindex -t "%2".glg -s "%2".ist -o "%2".gls "%2".glo
makeindex -t "%2".alg -s "%2".ist -o "%2".acr "%2".acn
makeindex -t "%2".nlg -s "%2".ist -o "%2".not "%2".ntn
miktex-xetex.exe -synctex=1 -undump=xelatex "%1"

First, create a .bat (I assumed that you are using MicroSoft) file with a name what you likes, e.g., if the .bat file will be as test.bat

Then, open it into any of the editor, e.g., Notepad, EMacs, Epsilon, etc.

call xelatex %1

call bibtex %1

call xelatex %1

call xelatex %1

call makeindex %1

call xelatex %1

You should place the .bat file into your current working folder and then run it through MS-DOS prompt, this should works.

Note that %1 should be your TeX file name, no need to give the extension here

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