How can I do like this in beamerenter image description here

This is my code in R sweave

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\definecolor{darkred}{rgb}{0.55, 0.0, 0.0} 
    coltitle = #1,
    title = #2,
    overlay ={
        \draw[mygrey,line width=1pt]
        (frame.north west)--(frame.north east)--(frame.south east)--(frame.south west)--(frame.north west);
        \draw[#1,line width=1pt]
        ($(frame.north west)!0.33!(frame.south west)$)
        --(frame.north west)
        --($(frame.north west)!0.33!(frame.north east)$);
        \draw[#1,line width=1pt]
        ($(frame.south east)!0.33!(frame.south west)$)
        --(frame.south east)
        --($(frame.south east)!0.33!(frame.north east)$);
        overlay={\node[rotate=90,text=black,anchor=north east] at (frame.north west){#1};},
        minimum for equal height group=\tcb@ehgid:\myheight,

\gdef\insertframetitle{\centering{#2\ifnum\beamer@autobreakcount>0\relax{}\space\usebeamertemplate*{frametitle continuation}\fi}}% 
\title[Master Economie appliquée]{Test de point de changement CUSUM pour les séries financières basées sur SVR}
\author [Chaymae HAFID ]{Chaymae HAFID}
\date[ \today]{\today}
\institute{\textbf{Encadré par: Pr. ALJ $\&$ Pr .TOUIJAR}} 
 \begin{frame}{Table de matières}
 \begin{frame}[fragile]{This is a \texttt{fragile} frame}
\begin{block}{This is a R chunk}
    raster columns=3,
    raster equal height=rows
\begin{mybox}{myred}{Title 1}
                some text in the first box
\begin{mybox}{myorange}{Title 2}
some text in the second box
some text in the second box
some text in the second box
\begin{mybox}{mypurple}{Title 3}
                some text in the third box blabla


But I have errors like : ! Package tikz Error: Giving up on this path. Did you forget a semicolon?.

  • 2
    Welcome to TeX.SE! What do you mean with "this"? The colored headings, the font, ...? Please explain your issue better ...
    – Mensch
    Commented Dec 1, 2021 at 0:04
  • 2
    Please show some code of yours, so that we know about your intended set up (theme etc.) Commented Dec 1, 2021 at 6:51

1 Answer 1


Here is an example using the tcolorbox package :

I used the following code :






coltitle = #1,
title = #2,
overlay ={
\draw[mygrey,line width=1pt]
(frame.north west)--(frame.north east)--(frame.south east)--(frame.south west)--(frame.north west);
\draw[#1,line width=1pt]
($(frame.north west)!0.33!(frame.south west)$)
--(frame.north west)
--($(frame.north west)!0.33!(frame.north east)$);
\draw[#1,line width=1pt]
($(frame.south east)!0.33!(frame.south west)$)
--(frame.south east)
--($(frame.south east)!0.33!(frame.north east)$);

  overlay={\node[rotate=90,text=black,anchor=north east] at (frame.north west){#1};},
  minimum for equal height group=\tcb@ehgid:\myheight,


    raster columns=3,
    raster equal height=rows
    \begin{mybox}{myred}{Title 1}
    some text in the first box
    \begin{mybox}{myorange}{Title 2}
    some text in the second box
    \begin{mybox}{mypurple}{Title 3}
    some text in the third box blabla
  • Thanks, it works in texstudio but when I add it in my R sweave code , it gives me some errors you can find my code in the question Commented Dec 1, 2021 at 17:04

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