I am facing problem using bangla letters as label in the nested list, posted a question, After hours of surfing into the problem myself, I came up with a solution stated to that question.
New problem is that I have seen some gaps between letters shown in the following figure (highlighted). The gaps are unexpected. How to solve it?
Here is my working example:
\babelprovide[main,onchar = fonts ids]{bengali}
% fix `matra` in bangla text
\let\bbl@ifrestoring\@firstoftwo % To avoid font warning
Babel.locale_props[\the\csname bbl@id@@#1\endcsname]%
['/\bbl@prefontid'] = \fontid\font\space}%
\item আইটেম ১
\item নেস্টেড আইটেম ১
\item নেস্টেড আইটেম ২
\item আইটেম ২
\section{প্রথম অধ্যায়}
\item ফু
\item বার আইটেম ১
\item ফু
\item বার
Note that: I had to face this problem previously and a solution is provided by @Javier Bezos. Link is given here: Answer is here. But the solution is not working now.
\babelprovide[main,onchar = fonts ids,hyphenrules=+]{bengali}
. The last option creates an empty set of rules for Bengali. If this works for you, I’ll convert this comment into an answer.hyphenrules=+
options solved the problem for now. You can post your answer here with your explanation (if any) and I will accept it. Thanks again.