I'm helping someone to typeset in LaTeX a short non-technical document (at most 20 pages). This document should be nice to read, aesthetic, with nice pictures...
LaTeX is mostly used for technical document, in which the style is very classic. But I'm sure there are ways to design more fancy layouts, including commercial brochure-like styles. Here is one example of a nice document (the link shows the full document):
Even if it's not the primary goal of this question, I'm also curious to see even more fancy styles, like the ones we can see in marketing brochures (I'm not in marketing, but I've to admit that they usually produce nice looking documents)... Long story short: have fun!
The goal of this question is to provide a list of such styles, together with the LaTeX code. Since it's usually important to have a style coherent between the different elements, here is a list of elements that would be great to be styled (of course I don't expect all answers to be that precise):
- title page
- section and/or chapter style
- enumerate/itemize environments
- tabulars
- figures
- table of contents
- page numbering
- footnotes
- anything you like, like special areas to emphasize a paragraph, icons...
Have fun ;-)
Style-related questions/answers/packages (I don't consider them as duplicates since these questions are typically less precise, or focused on a different kind of document to typeset... but some answers are really interesting and are worth being mentionned):
- https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/60259/116348
- A nice document: https://www.principiae.be/book/pdfs/TM&Th-samplepages.pdf
- https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/279318/116348 and the amazing project yLatex that provides many styles, packages ready to use: https://github.com/HarveySheppard/yLaTeX
- https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/405973/116348
- Trying to do graphical decorations in "ClassicThesis style"
- Showcase of beautiful title page done in TeX
- shrink the line spacing with a `marginnote` environment
- https://www.ctan.org/pkg/tufte-latex
- http://petr.olsak.net/ftp/olsak/ctustyle/ctustyle2-doc.pdf
- Showcase of beautiful typography done in TeX & friends
- https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/405973/116348