I have observed that in latex, the line number count of a single-column document starts from the title, but the line number count of a double-column document starts from the main text. I hope that the line number of a double-column document can also start from the title. Is it, if so, how to modify it?
\title{The Triangulation of Titling Data in Non-Linear Gaussian Fashion via $\rho$ Series\thanks{No procrastination}}
\date{2017\\ December}
\author{John Doe\\ Magic Department\thanks{I am no longer a member of this department}, Richard Miles University
\and Richard Row, \LaTeX\ Academy}
\title{The Triangulation of Titling Data in Non-Linear Gaussian Fashion via $\rho$ Series\thanks{No procrastination}}
\date{2017\\ December}
\author{John Doe\\ Magic Department\thanks{I am no longer a member of this department}, Richard Miles University
\and Richard Row, \LaTeX\ Academy}