I am drawing AVL trees using tikz. I have this code:



It should be a balanced AVL tree. The right child of the 16 should be 17 and the left child of the 21 should be 20. With the code I get this

enter image description here

As you can see the 17 and the 20 are fused as one node. How can I solve this problem without modifying all other trees that I have drawn already?

Thanks for your answers!

2 Answers 2


You can specify a sibling distance for each level.


                every node/.style={circle, draw},
                level 1/.style={sibling distance=6em},
                level 2/.style={sibling distance=3em},
            \node (z){19}
            child{node {16}
                child{node {11}}
                child{node {17}}}
            child{node {21}
                child{node {20}}
                child{node {26}}};

enter image description here

I have also added a style for every node, which cleans up your code.


With use of the forest package the tree code is simpler and nodes never overlap:


for tree = {
% nodes
    circle, draw,
    minimum size = 2em,
    inner sep = 2pt, 
% tree
    grow = south,
    l sep = 9mm,  % vertical distances between nodes
    s sep = 3mm   % horizontal distances between nodes 

enter image description here

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