I am writing a scientific report and it demands me to write a bunch of masks, where a mask is typically a string with #, _ characters. For an example ###_#__##_##_####
is a mask. But latex does not let me write # in text and _ is interpreted as subsript.
I know I can use escape sequence (i.e.\#) to write the # character but I find it very cumbersome to write multiple such masks through out the paper. I am looking for an elegant way of making a text raw, such that it writes the text as such without any interpretation of the characters inside.
I could not find any relevant question answering this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: As few suggested, Command \textbackslash invalid in math mode this question answers but for a beginner, who would like to use raw strings, they cannot find the answer from this above mentioned question unless someone points to that. Hence, I would suggest keep this question closed, but not to remove it.