I have used my very basic knowledge of tikz
to make the image on the LHS (or top, depending on device viewer), whereas what I actually want in the image on the RHS (created with mathematica):
This is the code I used:
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth', shorten >=1pt, auto,
node distance=2cm, scale=1,
transform shape, align=center,
state/.style={circle, draw, minimum size=2cm}],
\node[state] (GS) {Person};
\node[state, right=of GS] (G1) {work};
\node[state, above right=of GS] (G2) {family};
\node[state, above left=of GS] (G3) {friends};
\node[state, left=of GS] (G4) {partner \\wife};
\node[state, below left=of GS] (G5) {community};
\node[state, below right=of GS] (G6) {local \\agencies};
\path[->] (GS) edge node {} (G1)
(GS) edge node {} (G2)
(GS) edge node {} (G3)
(GS) edge node {} (G4)
(GS) edge node {} (G5)
(GS) edge node {} (G6);
I have tried but failed to legend and style the arrow lines to get the desired effect.