I have been browsing around for a while trying to find an answer to the above question, and I have found some similar questions along with there answers, so I already have a vague idea how to answer my own question. As a result I am really just looking for confirmation.
First some similar questions:
My understanding at this point:
is a tex primitive, which does roughly the same thing as the following combination of latex commands \newlength{\name}\setlength{\name}{value}
where the numerical identifier 0
fulfils the purpose of the name chosen with \newlength
So my first real question is whether that is more or less correct? I also have a follow up question: When if ever is it appropriate to use the more basic version of some command?
I have recently embarked upon my first LaTeX project that really goes beyond mere usage. In my past usage, the distinction between basic Tex and LaTex commands simply never came up. I am increasingly getting the feeling that I need to read an actual book to get any further than where I am now, so for a final follow up question, I would like to ask the more experienced amongst you out there, how I might go about going beyond a competent user understanding of TeX.