I try to use tex4ebook with MikTex and TeXnicCenter, but it always leads to a fatal error.
My simple MWE:
I tried a lot of different commands to be passed to the Compiler, e.g.
-c config.cfg -f epub3 "%wm"
but it does not work. The output/error is like that:
tex4ebook> [WARNING] tocid: char-def module not found
tex4ebook> [WARNING] tocid: cannot fix section id's
tex4ebook> This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.23 (MiKTeX 21.10)
tex4ebook> entering extended mode
tex4ebook> [FATAL] make4ht-lib: Fatal error. Command tex4ht returned exit code 1
Which commands have to be passed to the Compiler in TeXnicCenter to make tex4ebook running?
-a debug
option to see full error log, and post it here. TeX4ebook hides log by default and it can contain some information why it fails on your machine.bibtex
to be culprits, but I am glad that you found the fix :)