I have the below two equations,

C_{N+1} &= h\left( X_{N+1}; \hat{\phi}_{N+1} \right)  + \left[ h\left( X_{N+1}; \phi_{N+1} \right) - h\left( X_{N+1}; \hat{\phi}_{N+1} \right)  \right] \\ 
& + u^{g}_{N+1} + u^{r}_{N+1}
C_{N+1} &= h\left( X_{N+1}; \hat{\phi}_{N+1} \right)  + u^{\phi}_{N+1}  + u^{g}_{N+1} + u^{r}_{N+1}

which gets displayed as below:

enter image description here

How could I align both these equations at the = sign ?

What I intend to do is :

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


You don't really want to align the + sign with the = sign.

You can use split, but don't ever use eqnarray.



C_{N+1} &= h( X_{N+1}; \hat{\phi}_{N+1} )  + [ h( X_{N+1}; \phi_{N+1} ) - h( X_{N+1}; \hat{\phi}_{N+1} ) ] \\    
        &\qquad + u^{g}_{N+1} + u^{r}_{N+1}
C_{N+1} &= h( X_{N+1}; \hat{\phi}_{N+1} )  + u^{\phi}_{N+1}  + u^{g}_{N+1} + u^{r}_{N+1}


I removed all \left and \right commands and you can see that the formulas have become more readable.

enter image description here


The align package works without the eqnarray package! Solution as follows:

C_{N+1} &= h\left( X_{N+1}; \hat{\phi}_{N+1} \right)  + \left[ h\left( X_{N+1}; \phi_{N+1} \right) - h\left( X_{N+1}; \hat{\phi}_{N+1} \right)  \right] \nonumber \\
& + u^{g}_{N+1} + u^{r}_{N+1} \\
C_{N+1} &= h\left( X_{N+1}; \hat{\phi}_{N+1} \right)  + u^{\phi}_{N+1}  + u^{g}_{N+1} + u^{r}_{N+1}

enter image description here

  • 1
    It is also common to use &\phantom{=}
    – Werner
    Commented Jan 27, 2022 at 4:33

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