enter image description hereI want to add more than one footnote below the table. I saw one footnote and know how it works.

  \caption{Data statistical description}
  \multicolumn{9}{c}{Input}     &  Output \\ \hline
   & xxxx\tnote{a} (mm) & xxx\tnote{b} (mm) & T\tnote{c} (mm) & xxxx\tnote{d} ($^{\circ}$) & CR\tnote{e}  (mm) &  HR\tnote{f} (mm)   & xxxe\tnote{g} (N)  &  xxx\tnote{h} ($^{\circ}$) & Max.Stress \\
   Max & 250 & 36 & 3.636 & xxx & 4.5 & 3 &   40000 & - & 9087 \\
   Mxn & 100 & 24 & xx8 & 0 & 2.25 &  1.5  & 1xx0 & - & 3x8 \\
   Sxd &  175   & xxx   & 0.90 & 45xxx8 & 1.12 & 1.75 & 11xx9 &   - & 1431 \\
   Mean & 55xxx  &   30  &  2.72 & 30.09 & 3xxx37 & 2.25 & 25xxx12 &   - & 2xx52 \\ \hline
        \item[a]{Footnote} \sep [b]{Footnote} \item[a]{Footnote}

The footnotes are below together I want to be in a row

any suggestion please?

  • 1
    Welcome to TeX.SE! Try \begin{tablenotes}[para].
    – Zarko
    Commented Jan 27, 2022 at 10:00
  • @Mico, he is no patient beginner :-) BTW, I see, that I should wrote answer instead of comment :-(
    – Zarko
    Commented Jan 27, 2022 at 10:34
  • Because it works for me ! Commented Jan 27, 2022 at 10:41
  • Thank you all for your help:) Commented Jan 27, 2022 at 10:54

3 Answers 3


I suggest you load the threepartable package with the options para and flushleft to achieve your formatting goal.

I would also impose a bit more structure on the header cells, maybe along the lines of the following answer code.

enter image description here

  % \setlength{\tabcolsep}{6pt}
  % \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1}
  \caption{Data statistical description}\label{DS}
  \begin{tabular}{@{} l *{9}{c} @{}}
   \multicolumn{9}{c}{Input}     &  Output \\ 
   \cmidrule(lr){2-9} \cmidrule(l){10-10}
   & xxxx\tnote{a} & xxx\tnote{b} & T\tnote{c} & xxxx\tnote{d} & CR\tnote{e} 
   &  HR\tnote{f} & xxxe\tnote{g}  & xxx\tnote{h}\phantom{\footnotesize\textit{h}}  
   & Max.Stress \\
   & (mm) & (mm) & (mm) & ($^{\circ}$) & (mm) & (mm) & (N) & ($^{\circ}$) \\
   Max & 250 & 36 & 3.636 & xxx & 4.5 & 3 &   40000 & - & 9087 \\
   Mxn & 100 & 24 & xx8 & 0 & 2.25 &  1.5  & 1xx0 & - & 3x8 \\
   Sxd &  175   & xxx   & 0.90 & 45xxx8 & 1.12 & 1.75 & 11xx9 &   - & 1431 \\
   Mean & 55xxx  &   30  &  2.72 & 30.09 & 3xxx37 & 2.25 & 25xxx12 &   - & 2xx52 \\ 

        \item[a] \dots  
        \item[b] \dots 
        \item[c] \dots 
        \item[d] \dots

let me spell out my comment ...

ok, this already did @Mico :-)

Edit: so I delete my original MWE and replace it now with the following, where for table is used tabularray packages and table notes are written as inline enumerate as defined in the enumitem package:

\UseTblrLibrary{booktabs, siunitx}

caption={Data statistical description},
            \item table note 1  \item table note 2  \item table note 3  
            \item table note 4  \item table note 5  \item table note 6  
            \item table note 7  \item table note 8
            colspec = {l *{9}{c} }
     &   \SetCell[c=8]{c}  Input
        &   &   &   &   &   &   &   &  Output               \\
     \cmidrule[r]{2-9}  \cmidrule[l]{10-10}
    &   {xxxx\TblrNote{a}\\ (mm)}
         &  {xxx\TblrNote{b}\\ (mm)}
            &   {T\TblrNote{c}\\ (mm)}
                &   {xxxx\TblrNote{d}\\ (\si{\degree)}}
                    &   {CR\TblrNote{e}\\  (mm)}
                        &   {HR\TblrNote{f}\\ (mm)}
                            &   {xxxe\TblrNote{g}\\ (N)}
                                &   {xxx\TblrNote{h}\\ (\si{\degree})}
                                    &   {Maximum\\ Stress}  \\
Max & 250   & 36    & 3.636 & xxx   & 4.5   & 3     & 40000     & -- & 9087  \\
Min & 100   & 24    & xx8   & 0     & 2.25  &  1.5  & 1xx0      & -- & 3x8   \\
%Sxd & 175   & xxx   & 0.90  & 45xx8 & 1.12  & 1.75  & 11xx9     & -- & 1431  \\
%Mean& 55x   & 30    & 2.72  & 30.09 & 3xx37 & 2.25  & 25xxx12   & -- & 2xx52 \\

enter image description here

Note: If more realistic table contents were available (I assume there are only numbers in the columns except the first one) I would suggest to use S type for those columns and made necessary changes in tblr options and in column headers.


You can try {NiceTabular} of nicematrix and its built-in command \tabularnote. The notes are composed by a style of list of enumitem and, thus, may be customized with all the features of enumitem.




\caption{Data statistical description}
\multicolumn{5}{c}{Input} \\ \hline
 & xxxx\tabularnote{A Footnote} (mm) & xxx\tabularnote{Another footnote} (mm) & T\tabularnote{Yet another footnote} (mm) & xxxx ($^{\circ}$) \\
 Max & 250 & 36 & 3.636 & xxx \\
 Mxn & 100 & 24 & xx8 & 0 \\
 Sxd &  175   & xxx   & 0.90 & 45xxx8 \\
 Mean & 55xxx  &   30  &  2.72 & 30.09 \\ \hline


Output of the above code

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