This is similar to this question; however I am using pause, and not only. I would like to continue using pause.

I read through this, which is helpful. I think the issue is related to this and this.

My problem is that if I have a footnote after a pause using an overlay specification, the footnote turns up one slide too early.

Here is a MWE:

\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen=right}

\begin{frame}{Title of Frame}
\item List item 1 


\item List item two
  \note[item]<2>{This is a note for the second item}


\item Third item
  \note[item]<3>{Also with a note}


%\begin{block}{A Box}
  \item This needs a reference\footnote<.->{Here is some other info.}


Here is slide 3: enter image description here

Here is slide 4: enter image description here

As you can see, the value of beamerpauses is 4, so I am not sure why the footnote is showing up on slide 3.

If I change the overlay specification for the notes to a <.> they also appear one slide early. So the problem is the overlay specification with pause.

For completeness, the reason I am using the <.-> specification overlay for the footnote is because I am using pandoc to go from markdown to beamer, and this is what is uses after a pause, which I think is correct. I would expect that the pause would increment, and then the <.-> specification would use that value (assuming that pause is something similar to <+->). But it appears to be using one less. Perhaps this is where the relative offset (section 5 from the TUG article linked above) would be needed, but I cannot understand why it would be needed.


I just found this and then read section 9.6.4 in the beamer manual. So it appears that the <.-> specification is not useful when using the \pause command, because it will always be off by 1. Is there a way to say "this current slide" without using the relative offset of <.(1)>?

  • 1
    Had a similar question, but your EDIT answered it. Thanks!!! Commented Mar 19 at 12:54


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