I am trying to draw this simple graph with some labels on tikz. Here are my codes:
\begin{tikzpicture}\draw[thin,-] (0,0) -- (4.5,0) node[anchor=north west] {$\psi \gamma_{c}$};
\draw[thin,-] (0,0) -- (0,4.5) node[anchor=south east] {$\phi \gamma_{e}$};
\draw (0,0) -- (45:6.2) node[pos=0.70, above left]{$\tau_{x}=0$}
node[pos=0.60,above left]{$(\phi \gamma_{e} \geq \psi \gamma_{c})$}
node[pos=0.48, right]{$(\phi \gamma_{e} < \psi \gamma_{c})$};
I am getting this output:
Now is there a way to make the graph look more presentable? In particular, I would like to move $\tau_{x}=0$ to the left to make it align with $\phi \gamma_{e} \geq \psi \gamma_{c}$ so that it appears right below it (or can be next to it but I am an unable to space them separately). I do not want the labels to cross the 45 degree line.
For $\tau_{x}>0$ I want to move it further down and the stuff in brackets to appear right below it.
The straight line is a 45 degree line so show cutoff for the different regions $\tau_{x} = 0$ and $\tau_{x}>0$.b