This answer is to document a procedure for adding a title page to an existing document (although I doubt bmcart
would be useful for writing a thesis).
Opcion 1 Assuming the submission is a single pdf
file, as I don't think a thesis will fit in a single .tex
file (as shown in Option 2): eg. figures need to be submitted separately.
You will need to create three files:
(1) The thesis itself formatted as you see fit. (file MyThesis.tex
(2) The cover, often following the guidelines of the institution. (file TitlePage.tex
(3) The main program to integrate the above documents in a book twoside format. (file main.tex)
For this example, put all three files in the same working directory.
(1) Compile and debug the cover and the thesis.
(2) As a final step, run main.tex
to merge them in a single pdf.
This is the file TitlePage.tex
%%File TitlePage.tex
\documentclass[12pt]{article} %
\usepackage[left=1.00cm, right=1.00cm, top=1.00cm, bottom=1.00cm]{geometry}% narrow margins <<<<<
\pagestyle{empty} % supress all headers <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\textbf{\Large Thesis Title}
Thesis Subtitle
\textbf{\large Author Name}
A thesis presented for the degree of\\
Doctor of Philosophy
Department Name\\
University Name\\
This is the file MyThesis.tex
%% File MyThesis.tex
\usepackage{lipsum} %dummy tex
\section{Chapter title}
\subsection{Heading for section}
\subsubsection{Heading for sub section}
This is the file main.tex
%%% File main.tex
\usepackage{pdfpages} % To include the cover and the tesis
\usepackage[left=0cm, right=0cm, top=0cm, bottom=0cm]{geometry}
Opcion 2 Single .tex
file: file AllMyThesis.tex
%% File AllMyThesis.tex
\usepackage{lipsum} %dummy tex
%%%************************************************************ added
\titlepage % Output the title page
{ % Title(s) and author(s)
\sffamily % Font styling
{\Huge\bfseries A very long Thesis Title\par} % Book title
\vspace{16pt} % Vertical whitespace
{\LARGE Subtitle \par} % Subtitle
\vspace{44pt} % Vertical whitespace
{\huge\bfseries Author Name\par} % Author name
A thesis presented for the degree of\\
Doctor of Philosophy
Department Name\\
University Name\\
\newpage \pagestyle{empty}\mbox{}\clearpage % blank page
\setcounter{page}{1} % start thesis with page 1
\section{Chapter title}
\subsection{Heading for section}
\subsubsection{Heading for sub section}
to BioMed Central, why do you want to insert a title page (such as in abook
or athesis
) ?