I have a latex file as shown below.
%Below two lines to completely remove page numbering,header and footer
%To Create a new list questions
\setlist[questions]{wide=0pt, leftmargin=15pt, labelwidth=15pt, labelsep=0pt, align=left,label=\color{futuringtheme}\bfseries\large\arabic*.}
%Defining necessary colours
\usepackage{xcolor} % Required for specifying colors by name
\definecolor{ocre}{RGB}{243,102,25} % Define the orange color used for highlighting throughout the book
%Defining exyear command for Exam Year
\newcommand{\exyear}[1]{\newline \llap{}\hfill \color{futuringtheme}{\textbf{[#1]}}}
%Defining command abox
\node[align=center,anchor=base,draw,rectangle,text width=\textwidth,line width=2pt,rounded corners=15pt,draw=ocre,fill=white,fill opacity=0.9,inner sep=10pt]
{\centering \textbf{ \huge \color{futuringtheme}\BODY}};
%Importing package task
JAM Previous Year Questions
\section*{\centering{\color{futuringtheme} \underline{Coulomb's law and Superposition principle}}}
\question An electric field $\vec{E}(\vec{r})=(\alpha \hat{r}+\beta \sin \theta \cos \phi \hat{\phi})$ exists in space. What will be the total charge enclosed in a sphere of unit radius centered at the origin?
{\exyear{IIT JAM 2009}}
The PDF output look something like this
But when I use make4ht the HTML output seems completely cluttered.How can I write the required configuration file. I can't find any detailed documentation. What configuration file can do the job ?